Audio Book Sample 2 (War time, period, RP)

Profile photo for Emma Hutchings
Not Yet Rated


This is a passage set in WW1, and is spoken with a soft, heightened RP.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I was a nurse at the front during the war I For a while I looked after a hat of German officers, and as she was speaking, I was remembering one of them. I never knew his name, but he was a brave man and somebody's son. I held his hand As he laid dying. He called out for a woman. He loved Clara over and over. He faced the end by asking her forgiveness. I lost a brother, Edward in the war and my fiance. There was no final message for them. No hand to hold, just pain and a dirty, undignified death. I can't make sense of it either. Except when I held the hand of that German, it was Roland's hand to that I was holding. And Edwards. Their pain was the same pain, that blood, the same blood. Our grief is the grief of hundreds and thousands of German women and men, all of you, but especially those of us who were left behind. The mothers, sisters, women. We send our men to war. I thought my father to let my brother go because we think it's the right thing, the honourable thing. But all I can do is stand here and ask you Is it was I right? Or can I find the courage to accept? There might be another way. Perhaps their deaths have meaning. Only if we stand together now and say no, no to killing, no to war, no to the endless cycle of revenge. I say no more of it.