Murder, Misadventure and Miserable Ends • Audiobook • Nonfiction

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A recently completed unabridged audiobook of Catie Gilchrist's Murder, Misadventure and Miserable Ends. Bringing stories to life from Sydney's colonial history.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
murder, misadventure and miserable ends written by Katie Gilchrist and read by Immigrant. Monday, 27th of August 18 66 had been a very busy day, and Henry Shell was utterly exhausted. Just six weeks into his new job, he wondered if his position as the Sydney coroner was always going to be quite so demanding. At nine o'clock that morning, he had resumed in adjourned inquest at the hand of Friendship Hotel on Betha Street. Marianne Peered, who was just five years and five months old, had suddenly died following a convulsive fit. Dr. William Bell conducted a postmortem, and the inquest concluded that the cause of death was convulsions, brought about by a diseased brain. From here, Mr. She'll quickly strolled across Hyde Park and returned to his small office near the Old Barrack Building on Macquarie Street here at his second in quest of the day, the sudden death of John Tarr back was being investigated. Taba could fall a nine feet off a letter while painting the inside of Charmers Church in Cleveland paddocks At the time, he had merely broken his right elbow joint. However, on being conveyed to the Sydney Infirmary, he became delirious and suddenly expired. Dr. Charles Mackay's postmortem revealed that he had died from extensive disease of the heart aged just 33 years. The coroner was soon afterwards making his way towards Chippendale. Here at the Royal Oak Hotel. An inquest into the death of Charlotte came. McElroy had been convened only eight weeks old. The illegitimate child had been ailing from birth and had died on Saturday afternoon, emaciated and badly nourished. A verdict of died from natural causes was recorded from here. Mr. Shell hurriedly headed towards New Town at the Daniel Lambert Hotel. A jury of 12 heard that Cora Chadwick had died at his residence on missing and rode the day before. Consumption had ravaged the Californian for years, and he had been addicted to Clara Dine to relieve his pain. Like tar Buck, Chadwick was also 33 years of age. Dr. William J. Sedgwick was of the opinion that he had died from disease of the lungs. Despite this, the gentlemen of the jury returned the general vague and frequent verdict ofthe died from natural causes. This finding had recently replaced the more religiously inclined died from the visitation of God. Neither were of much value to the statistician or the compiler of morbidity and mortality rates, either at the time or indeed, since Mr Shields. Final case that day was that the new town in on Newtown Road, George Francis Pratley, aged four years and 10 months, had been badly burned as the previous morning when his clothes accidentally caught alight from the open fire in the kitchen of his parent's house in ST Peter's. He died. Soon afterwards, Dr Sedgwick suggested that he had died from shock to the system in consequence of the burns he had received. The gentleman of the jury concurred on the cause of death was officially recorded.