My Podcast - 'Happy Hour'

Profile photo for Emma Taylor
Not Yet Rated


I have a podcast called 'Happy Hour' where I have a Happy Hour with a different person every week. It recently charted at 162 in the apple podcast chart.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
uh huh. I'm Emma and I love cocktails and friends. I am no mixologist, and I'm not exactly an interior. I'm just a girl that went on a lot of happy hours and met a lot of friends along the way. After a stressful week, there's nothing better than meeting up with a friend and chatting it out. I always leave feeling back to happy and back to me. I'm excited to catch up with some friends and see what they've been up to this week. I can't wait to have some great conversation, and I'm hoping to pick up some cocktail making skills along the way, too. In the upcoming episodes, I'll be having a happy hour with friends, old and new will have a drink, attempt some mixology, share advice and she has some personal stories because the best stories happen at Happy Hour and you're invited to cocktails and knock tales. It doesn't really matter. Anything can be solved over a drink with a friend. In this episode, I'm going to be having a happy hour with made in Chelsea's Gareth Lock in between filming, Gareth is a super high flyer in the fashion world. He was named Drapers and Forbes, 30 under 30. To be honest, it's a bloody good cook, too. He's been super busy working on loads of projects, and I'm so excited to finally catch up with him. So I'm just prepping the bar before Gareth comes over. Oh my God, I cannot wait to catch up with him. We used to live together, so used to see each other every day, and I still popped round for a roasted at my Sundays. But he has been so busy, he's working on some super exciting stuff at the moment, and he's been doing so much. So I'm so excited to catch up. So I've got the bar ready. I've got the Grey Goose vodka. I've got some pink Gordon's gin just to jazz things up a little bit. I've got some champagne. Bollinger and I've got all the ingredients for our cocktail. I mean, Gareth is unreal cooking, and I know he can make a great drink too, So yeah, this should be good. Oh, that's him now. Hello. Hello. So nice to see this is so nice. Because basically, whenever we do podcast recently, I mean the only podcast I've ever done it's always over. No, actually, to come around to somewhere and actually be able to do it face to face is so much nicer. It's been like 10 minutes into senior, literally, literally for anyone who doesn't know it. And he used to live with all that. Actually, she was there before I was there. Yeah, I think you're all the others before you. I think you were my biggest obstacle. Everyone else I knew because I've known I was actually funny enough. We saw the other day on Facebook that it was 13 years that I've known it. Stop it because you knew each other for so long so long, Yeah. Did you just, like, not speak to each other the whole time? Well, it's kind of one of those things where you have all the same sort of friends and you on the periphery of each other and all. He's just one of these a bit funny fish, like he's always sort of rose his own boat and has a reasonably small friends group. I mean, he lets anyone in. This is one of the big issues. I mean, literally like strays. He brings home. Sometimes I'm like honey like this is will come home after a night time, But some people come back to us for drinks. You know, it's like, who are these people in our home? I mean, part of me loves him because I might not have met you, but at the same time, Yeah, sometimes he does bring home some strays, which they don't. It's the kindest thing I know. He's something he tends to attract quite out their characters. And, I mean, the majority of the time, they don't really stick around too long, But yeah, I think because I knew everyone else and I didn't know you. So I think you're my biggest obstacle. I think so, Yeah. I was just a bit I did my own thing a lot of the time as well. So maybe that's why we were a bit like my husband. We were a bit like Will and Grace for a while. He got a bit weird. We were just getting in bed together every night. So ordinary takeaways. I remember being in a freelancing gig. I was on the phone too old, and someone was sitting in front of me, and I was like, Yeah, OK, what you had for dinner? Yeah. Okay. Alright, babes. Love you. Love you. Love you by their like. Was that your boyfriend? Was like, No, you live. How long did you live? We live in the house for you would say old moved in May 2015. I was a couple of months after. And then four years. Yeah, and then we lived together for two years. Yeah, it's bad when live that she looked at this time? Yeah, I believe. And I were talking about this last time. It's so rare to be able to have people live with you especially. You know, we're in our thirties and I said, Yeah, and it's very rare to be able to sort of have that synergy because everyone always ends up wind each other up and stuff. And we've had actually had this lodger who was actually a lawyer. She was on the show with us. I think she lasted, like, three months or something. I remember hearing about this. It's one of those weird things because it's I think if you are very comfortable with friends and you can be very honest and open and you basically if you have an issue. It's been like family, where you have unconditional love for someone. You know, If you can have an argument with them, you can sort it out. And it's sort of that you have to have that with housemates because otherwise you're just like this person in my home is really winding me up. You got to live with them. I mean, I think good housemates are like a good pair of jeans. You cannot throw those babies away. Exactly. Yeah. Get this open. Yes. Right. Well, I've got some bubbles. I've got some Bali. This is the motivation on this podcast is all about drinking. Wonderful. Oh, look, I'm actually pay for now. It is a problem. Yeah, we're gonna get that cheers or anything. It's not right. Thank you for opening. Thanks to us to us. Bloody lovely, By the way, it takes me back to just being in our kitchen. I know such a good thing. We're actually we're actually thinking about selling the house at the moment on the market. No way anyone's interested. Interested? Come around by a piece of made in Chelsea history. Love it. You know what? I've got so many truly wonderful memories in that home. And the thing is, I think because I knew it was going to be, like a a little moment in time that I should cherish forever, and I really enjoyed living there. We just really made the most of it. And since then we've had so many parties and Sundays in Sunday lunch and a luncheon Sunday lunch and then we just basically, it depends when it starts off, it starts off earlier in the week. We end up with about 18 people. 18. 20 people come out of Sunday lunch. Then it's coming. You just sort of give caution to the wind as to where everyone's going to sit, whether you've got enough cover it. And then if it's later in the week, you end up with people people. But were mixed people good, solid eight. But then you all have a good time to cook up a storm. Yeah, and can I just say you are such a phenomenal cook? Like I mean, I don't know when you're going to be bringing out your cooking show, but it needs to be really sick. I know that you need to do it honestly. and I know people say that and I'm a foodie was one of those things. I'm very lucky because my dad, my dad's professionally trained chef and he taught me to cook. My dad worked in hospitality, and by the time I was well, pretty much growing up. My dad was retired, so he raised my brother and I whilst my mom worked. So he taught us how to cook and he said the best way to get a woman's heart And he said it a bit more of a group that was to cook for them because it's just such a great talent to have. And it's one of those things. If I indulge it, you just become more and more creative and it's something I love. It's very, very cathartic thing to do. You are, but you are so talented, and I really hope you do. I'm very selfish just having that you're cooking for myself. The last thing I want to do. I'm actually gonna try and start doing small content on Instagram. I'm so bloody terrible. Social media Instagram Well, I think it's one of those things you find quite unnatural, and then it's one of those things where you constantly have to keep doing it. I find it just a bit self indulgent. If you feel like you have to, then you kind of don't want to. Yeah, sometimes you forget real rhythm for it, and I think it helps the name that shows airing. So I think it helps you get a lot of engagement. And it's not that you need people being liking and commenting and all that sort of thing. It's kind of just like you feel you have that conversation going and I think it makes it a lot easier and he's one of those things. Repetition just makes you do it more, and then I just need to get the confidence to start doing stuff like that on there. And also, I think if you're going through something sometimes just having people there arm's length sometimes that's quite nice. I must say one of the most amazing things is the response we get from some of the stuff we put out there in Chelsea and I think it's one of those things where you have a platform and it's it's one of those things where you know, reality TV, some people can be quite sceptical about it. And the way I look at it is one of the reasons I agreed to old Oscars. I want to go back to it. I want and it was like You're part of my life. It makes sense for you to do it with me And I thought to myself, What is it going to give me? In terms of one is an experience that not a lot of people have. It's very unique. And, you know, life is about having these experiences. And then I thought, What I've got things that are big in my life that are important and you have. And I feel like if you have a platform like that, it's something that you have to talk about. It makes it all very real. One of the things we do is everything that we put on the show. Everything that's going on is very real. I think that when you were doing the show with those was the best decision you made Well, Cheers, darling. It's so nice to see what's going on very quickly, actually, myself. Oh, good. Well done. Brilliant. He knows what to do. Mm. I'm so glad you came over because, you know, my drinks are normally terribly simple. Champagne, champagne or it's a body. Diet Coke, I think, when spring has sprung, were very rosy. Lady petrol comes out. There is varying forms, I think Whispering Angel. I think you'll probably need to buy shares in it with how much you're supporting them. Oh, I know. Tag played a plug to whispering, sponsored the Show Me in. So I need your help because making a cocktail is not exactly my forte, so I'm actually terrible. It's like once we set the bar by the pool of my house and I stupidly once put sparkly mortar in a cocktail except the lid fired off and just shot hit my brother's head actually split above his eyebrow open. That's how I am not a mixologist. Okay, so I should have asked you to do it. Let's do it. Probably makes them highly alcoholic and undrinkable. Excellent. Well, that's perfect. So the cocktail of choice today cocktails on the menu is a Rose Agency Co. It's a rose exactly June Rosie. And so the ingredients are gin rose, a Prosecco, pink lemonade, strawberries and lemon slices. This is amazing because actually I think Pink Lemonade Zaveri Essex It's like cream, soda fish and chip shop. Absolutely wonderful. What is cream, soda cream? Flavoured drink? It's like deserts. And also they don't do sugar free ones. It's something like 600 calories or something. I know that's a real commitment. So I've come in and there's actually pink lemonade on the table. And it always reminds me my Auntie Southend in Essex. And it's just like, What is it? What is pink? Lemonade is the best. Was it just like strawberry flavoured lemonade? So all I know is we might be a bit like a bit psycho after it because, you know, it's a bit like candy philosophy. All the numbers and all the sugar, right? So we've got a glasses. We've got ingredients, so it's fairly straightforward. If you want to put the Jinan sorry, I'll get you the June right. OK, so there's the gin gin. Gordon's a little bit of Gordon's can't go wrong. We don't measure something, so it's 30 roughly 30 mil. Well, that's it. I'm always very conscious of like, gin based like drinks. We're adding other alcoholic things to it. It's like hymns. Do you make pins the proper way? No. You add vodka or gin to pimps. Just other people make it for me to literally is lethal, is it? It's lethal. And lots of people just do Pimms and lemonade. But like you meant to add gin or vodka. That's what my family do, right? Remember when you used to make your spicy marks? It's in a prison in tequila, so you have to have to keep. Yeah, I remember playing monopoly last time. All right, so now I need to use the rose. April 2nd. We get 30 miles. Is that also this doesn't seem like enough, does it? Maybe just put a little bit more. And I think I've done a wonderful job. I'm like, This is Mother's ruin, isn't it? Tomorrow I'm literally hate myself. Right. Okay, Right. So now we need to put a few strawberries in right. Here we go. Get those in babes. Release the bubbles. Release those bubbles. Always looking fantastic. Isn't it? Great? Lovely cocktail bar. Abrasive. I know. I really hope we can make that dream come true. Perfect. You could do the drinks. I could do the design and some of the drink because, you know, building up my repertoire. I could have special drinks, not where the drinks are. Very average. I think we probably have to hire someone. Yeah. Alright, fine. Okay, so now we need some of the rose. A lemonade raising on the mind. Sorry, Rose. A lemonade is such a thing, Is it? It's a spritzer. Sure. Just a bottle like that that get that? Dizziness, babes. Lovely. And then I might just topping it up. Just topping it up. Now we need a lemon in there. I've opened this and I can smell the sugar like it's like, pungent. We're going to be bouncing off the walls. It's like it almost smells like a really pungent cordial. It smells like you should be diluting this which we are with Jim. We are exactly right. There are perfect. And you need one lemon, one slice of lemon and e one slice of lemon. Him get picked. One that doesn't have pity, because I always trickle up a little Squeeze. A little squeeze. Why not? It's back in there. God, we're professionals. Look at that. This is always think, and they get this still stirring new thing, actually. Did you design this? I wish I did. I think you're so good with all this sort of stuff. If you actually coming in somewhere to your podcast that you've got little roller board or your branding is on point. This is my bar made a bar. This is your bar bar. Everyone calls me on purpose. Yeah. Thank you. He's obviously Emma lived in this rages and got there. The dog. Obviously, Bear was very much part of his life. So whenever I was coming over or was coming home when she lived with us because his auntie em and bears ears ***** up excited, also explaining to a dog that he didn't abandon him, he just moved out. I mean, he was very upset. Now we've got Aslan. Aslan is a dog like Aslan is, well, half cat, half dog. But he is. You can tell how Bright Bear is very little conversations with him, and he literally looks like he's literally like the best therapy. He's like one of those emotional support is an emotional support animal. He's just the best. And he won Celebrity Dog of the Year this year. Sorry. Bears accolades. He's just out doing us all. Isn't he's out doing us all. He literally he's been paid more. For one thing that I have done remember the time that he got booked on a job? Everyone got booked on a job and I was just sitting at home doing nothing. He's very busy. The only thing is he doesn't get a day rate for Chelsea, which I think is very unfair. But they always request him well. He's fantastic. He's also terribly handsome, terribly handsome. But they always say, Never work with animals or Children. Whenever you're doing films like Bear, though, he's a TV dog. Now he is a TV doctor. Yeah, he hits all his mark. He just does it in the first take. All the directors love him. He's a good boy, right? So I'm about to taste this. Cheers to clinch. Cheers. Gareth Clarke has very kindly made me a Rose Agency Co. All right. This is a sugary devil. I'm going to give it a world. It's delicious. Hang on, let's go. What with that thing about I'm going to show you how to make this cocktail. Maybe I'll have some keep music to make your Rose Agency CO. You'll need 30 miles of gin, 30 miles of pink Prosecco, 60 miles of pink lemonade and add strawberries and lemon slices. Firstly, add your geant or highball glass, then top with pink Prosecco and pink lemonade. Then add your strawberries and lemon slices to garnish. As you can see, it's pretty simple, but if you're anything like me, you might need to write that one down. Oh, that's refreshing and very refreshing. Children's party. Oh gosh, it's very refreshing. It's a good summer drink. It's one of those ones that you would have like a garden party and served. And that is a bit like a gym garden. Yeah, absolutely. Where is the inspiration for this come from? Have you seen on the menu somewhere? Yes. So, basically, I'd like to keep a cocktail. Simple, because not regular this. So five ingredients or less is the is the aim. We've just done it there. Yeah, it's one of those things where you go into a You came to this cocktail bars down. They miss them, they spray stuff. And that is whatever you think is the amount of dedication and stuff. Can you imagine restocking that bar Absolutely, literally. Like the painstaking thing at the end of it. Just being that right, What we thought were topping up the gin like fragrance diffuser things exactly. Also, if you want to have a hosting, you want to throw a party and you're like, OK, I'm going to make a cocktail. 17 ingredients. That's why it Never, never, never making mojitos like I can't do mojitos all crushing pestilent more so that all this sort of stuff and then it's just full of ice anyway, So it really just gets in the way of getting people ordering those mojitos there, Just standing in the way of aka Dr Yeah, When you're in a bar, this is This is your room 11 where you want to put something in it. This is my room when you stand in a bar and someone orders a round of complicated cops and then you're just watching your three people do the bar, right? And you're just watching this bartender who there's only one behind the bar and then the other person who's trying to order drinks from he's like, I don't actually take drinks orders. I'm just here to be like flitting around in the background like polishing glasses. Just like Come on. Can I ask you some sort of questions? You can ask me. Whatever. I just think it's nice, actually. Drink questions. Why are you sort of had a bit far Making a bit of an evening. What's the weirdest thing you snack on? When Ali's away, What is the weirdest thing I snack on? You think I'm not? Because I know you like. Yeah, I literally we eat anything, I'll try anything once. Sometimes I'd like to get Evita and dip it in Mayo. Is that word? I'll know this is the weird thing. I see buttered bread cut white bread like literally like the clinic. Chemically bleached bread, butter and literally doorsteps of butter. Yeah, sweet chilli sauce. What? It used to actually, my brother and I used to come home from school and eat. It is one of those things I never used to have food. Like if you're going to eat something when I was growing up, if you're going to eat something, it was you had to create a meal like moving greens in the fridge. And it wasn't like we didn't have snacky stuff didn't have Yoghourts didn't have a lot of intolerance. That's probably a good thing. Didn't have crisps creative. And sometimes you come home from school, you think the way the world on your shoulders and then you're just like right, Well, what we're gonna do white bread and butter in what we're gonna do. Broccoli on toast. Fantastic taste. That could be a good thing. I don't know, right? So favourite spot in London. Now I know that's tricky because I don't want to ruin your spots, but I never spoke about the believer before, and I love a bit of Stanley's as well. What's your favourite spot? I feel like everyone would expect me to say something. Jossy. It's not. It's actually Scott. I love Street. There is nothing better than sitting outside even in the winter, and you got the heaters on without all blanket and you just sit and you watch the world go by. Yeah, I can actually just go there on my own. Happily, it's just the people watching. There's fantastic, phenomenal, and then also it's just such a beautiful street. All the buildings like Harrods with that red brick, and it's just like a nice and also the foods is a great one. Is there a product that you use is their skin is so good? So you must be using, I must say, You know what, Actually, and I've gone back to it recently because I've been around the house is so there's a company called Beauty Pie. He do this subscription thing and, like I went in order of their product and try them out. But the ones that were for me it kills that kills make it look like they're like Super Laboratory and my scientist that actually, I think by Loreal or Estee Lauder. But this is daily face scrub, and it's been the only thing that, if I ever used consistently and what does. It doesn't make your skin feel like Vital is that sort of gum with clays. And I suppose it's from the earth and all that. But I think you just find the stuff, the words I've got combination skin. It's going super. I'm a bit of a combo Skin girls, and what does that even mean? Oil and dry? How does that even mean that? It's a lot of admin, And so if I if I put anything like to audience stuff. I used to have terrible spots when I was younger, and I think that's what you go through. I think if you have spots when you're younger, you want when you're older and if you don't when you're younger, you have Yeah, yeah, that's my side. I mean, I won't lie to you being a woman. Hormones are not on our side. You get a little peek in the month, which we do, and I might not look a bit rosy, but OK, good to know, when you go to Nando's, I know you go to know I had Hernandez today. So did I. Oh, my God, What is this? Do you know what? I never had a Nando's farmers with Ali, so there's a couple of things I never had a Pizza Hut. What I had the other, which I'm not a fan of and dominate polls, is obsessed with Domino's. You never you never have a dominance, and I've never had dominates. Sorry until I was with goals or a subway. I never had a subway. That's what all of its very sugary say reviewed. It's very weird looking fantastic. Don't like it. Okay? I'm a big fan. I'm not a massive fact. And then also, I've never had a mandate. And I didn't really understand how it worked. Because it's actually a restaurant, isn't it? You go in. We always get it delivered to home. A lot of the sat if you sat in one. Okay, that's the experience I have to tell you. What's your order? Right. My orders. Boneless chicken thighs hot. He's got very, very, very actually today I made a mistake because I was a bit sleepy, So I had boneless chicken thighs hot, which are just amazing. Chicken thighs. Always the best make so much flavour to the baby cooking tip and then the mashed potato. I'm obsessed with mashed potato, but normally right. Okay. When I'm greedy pig, it's boneless chicken thighs. Corn on the cob. Probably go largely. Get two for the banter. Garlic bread, probably large. And then I'll give only one piece and get through to myself. Mashed potato and then PS some obsessed with peace as well as the match ups. And then I eat it all. And then I'm like, What have I done? Because it literally makes me feel like solid after eating that well, that's a lot of it. And also I think it's just something that mandate, isn't it? It's just it's just a bit concrete in your day to day. Yes, So obviously, I think people always wonder about people's day to day. I get obsessed. I'm like, Oh, what you're doing there. So a normal day to day, like talking through it. What's going on all day today? So this is the thing. I do a lot of different things, right? So I obviously the TV stuff, and that's very much Ali's world, and it's something that I'm someone on the right for. So there's that, and then some subsidiary stuff to do. That brand stuff comes by that, but mostly like my line of work. I actually worked in retail. So which, you know, and I'm a consultant. I worked like it into a managing director for companies helping them grow strategy. All that's what you kind of get involved in a bit of, yeah, keep myself like business and sort of engaged that sort of thing. So it's one of those things where I've got multiple clients and it's one of the It's sort of dots around my day at various points and calls with stuff with etcetera and then sort of just to alleviate that. I think it's one of those things where it's all very serious, but one of those things where people start working from home with covid and there's sort of a more time efficient and that sort of our life works. Yeah, we'll take the dog for a walk halfway through, going to shock them, come home a bit more work. So it's like you just make it work for you to all the bits we need to do it a day, which everyone else does, And then people who work from home with Coke and stuff we appreciate it is just you manage it in a very different way than when you go to an office 95. Of course. Do you remember when because I was commercial director of group? I know when I first met you and very much like when I'm in a relationship, I get very serious about it very quickly, and I think with all that worked very well because he's the same, Yeah, what Bowles always wants. People he doesn't like being on his own. Whereas I'm very much someone enjoys making company. But I'm a Sagittarius like I'm let you like when I when I when I make a decision, I'm, like, all in balls deep, figuratively. Uh, and I moved up. How quickly did I move in? Do you remember? I used to commute two hours to the office. He was doing the Kochs Well, Yeah, and I was always in the honeymoon period in a relationship because I think only and I quite like you are very similar. Yeah. And you throw yourselves in? Yeah, and work with each other all the time. I've come here today and I'm obviously the podcast my own. When are you going? When you coming back? I'm like, next week next week. That's completely were married a year. I've been to four years in April and I'm like, it's still very intense. I'm always something. Just lives in a honeymoon period. Always. You're so sweet. And you're very much like a big romantic on you. Massive. And I never want to be over, So I always say I want to be with him all the time. Say I literally would be commuting two hours there and two hours back every day. And I didn't fight six months. And then I quickly thought, Is that right? For my relationships with goals to work, I'm going to have to change what I do and I've done. I got Draper's 30 and 30. I was very accomplished in my career. And now you know, if I want to go and work for a company, I can I can go into the CEO Mt. Whatever, and that's sort of how I work with companies on a consultative basis now. But I you know, and I would just say, right, I have to change this because he's going to kill me doing that. So I switched to consulting thing, and now that's how my lifestyle was. Now it's terrible what she is, my love. So would you rather sausages fingers for a year or a parrot on your head for a year? I mean baby sausages for fingers. I mean, are they cooked? Probably. Okay. Is there a bit rinky Elton John's got sausage fingers? This is the thing that everyone is very famous, that you look at his hands and they are literally sausages, that is, actual sausages actually got two dogs, so that could be a bit of a challenge. A challenge? You don't have to train them not to eat them. But then the parent on your head, you're going to get you caught up with H one n one comes back. We got bird flu. So I'm the target. And And also what sort of parents? Parents of ***** as well We had we had we My mom had a parrot. What? We as a family? We had a parrot called Woodbine. It was an African grey. Yeah, and I would buy and spent some time in one of my parents pubs. So you've got all the punters who were teaching with by all the language under the sun. Oh, my God. Amazing. He would be a Marine's name is Margaret. So it would be like Margaret. Margaret, No, stop wants nuts. Margaret wants ******* nuts. God. And it was literally like that the entire time. And Paris, right, Perhaps did. For 100 years. I don't know what parents are doing, but whether European, like diet just going for a year with you. And then after that, he's got a holiday to go on or something. They fly. What flying? So I'm going to fly south for the winter or something. I mean, so what's the choice? What's his fingers? I I'm glad I asked. And the last question is one that came through my instagram from Neil Crook. And he asked, What type of drunk are you? Are you touchy feely angry? And do you take your clothes off? Do I take right? Ok, so there's no I don't take my clothes off. Very body conscious. Actually, I am. I am just a very tactile person anyway, so I'm just when you're drunk. You took what kind of what kind drunk. What would you say I am? I think you just go gooey eyed and lovely. I am. I'm not one. I'd never be an angry drunk. No, you're not. You're not angry? No, I'm not angry in life. I'm very, very patient and very chilled. But my brother is the drunk. He takes his clothes off one of the first times. All he met him were in Jersey and we went to a house party that people were selling the house and the house being knocked down So they created a bomb for a burning furniture, which just all rocky lots are going to go by about eight. In the evening, my brother was dancing around in a speed a in front of the fire. And then I think Ali and I left, and by the end, she was completely naked. Oh, my God. Your brother's terribly handsome. He very good. We can go down all right, isn't it? I mean, his face being bashed out. He was a professional face, been bashed up by Robbie. I actually said because one of his best man at his wedding and my opening line was Hi, my name's Gareth. For those you don't know me, Andrew's brother. I'm like, Drew What Drew would look like if his face hadn't been bashed up. Oh, my God. That is 10 years. Yeah, He's like one of those sharks has been in the ocean for one as other scars. Old whale, That is me being caught by a trawler or something. I hope he's not listening to this. Well, Cheers, my darling. Thank you for answering my city question. Enjoying this little cocktail with No, I'm so pleased. I'm so glad you come over. By the way, it's so nice to see you. So, what you been up to this week? Anything good? What have you been working? Loads. You working on anything I have here? We've got one of the things is with the position we're in because I love retail and fashion and stuff Have you setting up their own brands and things? Because for those people that don't know, this is what annoys me. I think about a bit about the shows that were taken over. And what they don't know is you were so successful in fashion. You were in Draper Surge under 30. You're on the cover of Bloody Drapers magazine magazine? No. And I what I did say when I was younger and this so I'm a victim of my upbringing. Both my parents are entrepreneurs. My dad left school at 12. My mom left school at 14. Both had growing companies. I mean, when it came out saying you guys and go into the union, they were about as useful tips on fish like they like. I don't really know. I you know, you get let down through in the school's story where you've got to go to. You have got to go to You have got to go to. I lasted six months, and then I was like, This just isn't for me. I want to get out and start earning money. I started working in fashion, and I've done it for the last 15 years or something. You've just done so well. We started young beach truck companies, perhaps do everything ourselves. We had no money. So, you know, I was cutting fabric girls doing manufacturing. I was doing, you know, flatline photos like I mean, like, I look like I'm a crisis like dogshit. Comparison to what? What? What we end up doing now. But you have to learn everything yourself and necessity. Because you're right. We can't pay someone to do it. So you end up with good knowledge on it. And, you know, I've been hungry to do whatever I can in the company. I took over Hong Cooper. I took over as commercial director at 26 a very young age and then did that and then obviously had a lot of success with it and got Draper's 30 and 30. Got Forbes 30 under 30. Like, really really good. So you got 4. 30 under 30 in retail. What? I'm literally listed as, so free commerce. And actually, this is another thing I'm doing. I'm setting up a website company, uh, with a friend and I was listed as the top person free commerce in 2000 and 19. 2018. Garrett. Amazing. I know this isn't it. Do you forget that sometimes you know what? I have imposter syndrome. Everything I remember I was having team had teammates until Monday at one stage was like 80 people work in the company. And I mean, like, there's me giving a debrief in a sort of little chat to everyone at Monday morning. Yeah, and with only at this point. So my preparedness for that meeting probably was very little because we're having Sunday lunch today before it is a big distraction. And I'm just sat there and I'm looking at these people and, you know, some people are like in their fifties or whatever, and I'm just like, I'm sort of looking outside of myself and be like, God, what a fun car. You're listening to me. I'm like, I'm like, I'm a child, but I know, like the thing is, you you you do what you're good at, and that's why I'm good at. So you have to look past that. But I always have imposter syndrome with it, so I didn't really talk about it too much. I think imposter syndrome is probably everywhere, and I think everyone suffers with it and no one really talks about it. And I think especially now everything's online because you're not actually in person doing these roles and getting the sort of affirmation from people around you. And I think that there's something to be said for that. You're missing out on those moments to really remind you this is real, you are good and I think people get lost in that a little bit. I think also because working consultancy, it's like you're doing a lot for various different companies. Just don't have that one thing that you focus on day to day. Everyone's got different needs and different things you're doing, but yeah, so it's what was the question that I can't remember? Remember, this is called the jeans. I'm literally like I write for anyone. I am a fish when it comes to drinking and I am a little piglets like whether it's food, whether it's drink. I like. I live to eat. I don't I don't need to live, and it's very much. I'm very much the same as my mom and my mom's sort of. We're very Italian lifestyle, very much like family time around the dinner table. Yeah, and he had to. The other thing was, Can I leave the table? No, it wasn't. Please may be excused from the thing is that message thing. I think it's just I don't know, maybe. And you know what? I'd sit there and be like working myself up to it, and it's like, What? What? And he sort of as a kid, you're judging how much time is the right time at the table, and I'm looking. My dad and I ask this question, and then also off the back of it, I'm going to try and not do the washing up. And it's one of the things and then also and like all that sort of thing, my dad's like very old school and be like I gotta wash up and saying because like we got two dishwashers just put in the dishwasher. It's the point, though. It's a principal trying to instil the rules. I know, but it's much cleaner if you put in the dishwasher. I mean, he's covering a pan. I'm sticking it back in. The Army is still probably something on it. Let's be honest. Also, your dad's terribly handsome. Let's just get my dad. My dad is an absolute fox. He's delicious. It's one of the things my dad goes to the gym every day. So he's got a six pack. Yeah, that's got six. Pack that. That's like running every day. He's going to the gym like he's real, isn't it? I had to host your father whilst you and I was having a lay in one morning and I got very early for a conference school and I was living with at the time. And he was staying downstairs on the sofa and he popped up because he heard someone was up and I said, You make him sleep on the safer. We must have a full house. There was a full house. Oh, actually, remember that because it was it was a sofa bed, like a proper room, But I remember saying to him Would you like to have a cup of tea? I'm gonna talk with man zero for two hours. That's the thing. My dad, my dad's very personal person because he he had restaurants and pubs and things and he's worked as bombing. So he's just He's a little He's very interesting. He's so interesting. You know how much you look like him. You know, I do like is facing my dad from when I was younger and he said, Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me. Also funny if I look like I'm 66 67 the man is literally like he is an ox will take a silk. Let's kill that man. He is going on forever. There was our engagement party, was one of my brothers wife's friends. She was 28 she literally couldn't contain itself. And my dad she was, and she was getting really funny. And really QE Yeah, and that's the other thing. And then always older, older friends. So we've got a couple of friends moms who like single and stuff Oh, God, a bit there a while. They are literally, like chomping at the bit. I Yeah, funny pop a lock to hear a lot is going to be like Christ, he is a very good looking man. So you've been working on quite a bit then. So what you're saying you worked for this new website? Company? E commerce is literally my job. You know Gordon Ramsay when he goes into, like, a really rubbish restaurant, and he makes them fantastic. You're like Gordon Ramsay, the Gordon Ramsay, the fashion world. And also, I don't have a potty mouth. You do have the same stuff I do. I have no wrinkles, thanks to you Look fantastic. When you asked me about skin routine. Profile is probably my biggest secret, which is the most painful injections of cash. I wouldn't recommend it, but it is a great result. I've heard wonderful things about it, and I'm scared to have it. But I've heard Oh, my God. I mean, obviously get it done by someone who knows what they're doing. But I have heard wonderful things about Debian. The hairdressers. It's just done like an online course and is injecting into an orange just getting her roots done. I'm just going to get it's like these ones. Are you going like Okay, We're doing battle with the salam now, right? Okay. I'm not having you injected my face. It's actually really dangerous. It's like it's like a map. And it looks very much like me. And yeah, a little bit matrix, like you've got, like, this map veins on your face. Whenever you've seen someone fillers or Botox or something, they haven't done a fug. It's because they've hit one of those things. And it's so dangerous. Why would you let anyone come near your face? You know, one day course, people really do need to do your digging on where it's good to go and get the reviews. And be careful. And I think, for a bit of a laser facial recently, Dr Journey to Suze is this is this is amazing. Yeah. So apparently in LA, they call it the Gucci of lasers. Yeah, because Gucci is doing well. They probably doing all right and some of the ship coming up. Gucci does not look good. Well, maybe they need a better neighbour. Maybe in L. A. It's a it's the top. It's the top laser of choice. And obviously this is precocious, precocious, saying that P. K. Shaw pH. It's like Pokemon. It's called Chickasaw, and what it does is it penetrates every single bit of collagen in your face, and it stimulates it so much that it makes it come back to life basically, And you'll notice the biggest thing that I noticed was my paws are minimised so much they went from, honestly, they should probably shrank by 50%. This is one of my things that I have a big fear of, because I always had, like, blackheads on my nose. Do you? Yeah, I never noticed. I feel like it's been kind. And it was actually when I was younger. My mum, who is fastidious about how you look, used to come at me and would be like picking my spots to them. It was so ******* painful, so painful. And I was a bit of a spotty kid when I was younger, and that's the thing. I'm very conscious of it and then especially, you know, when you run down, you've been out. Yeah, I'm literally looking, and I'm like, I could fall into these polls right now. So this peak of Shaw Yeah, gotta catch them all. You know, you gotta catch them all. This is like Pokemon get. I'm literally gonna do that. It's amazing. I say, try. I mean, taking the wrong It's very intrusive and I needed it, says I mean for me. Personally, I've never had a laser to the face of the same And it was only digital. Quite a bit of downtime. My face was red for like a day, but oh my God, Was it worth it? Painful? Yeah, very much so. For me, it was they put numbing cream on right. I love talking about this is literally like I've never had nothing. It's bizarre because you can't really feel your face. But the problem is, you know when you're cooking bacon. Yeah, a little bit of oil jumps out and touch the skin in your it's like that all over your face. So it's like not exactly pleasant, but with the numbing cream, you still feel it. Go on for about 30 minutes. Your hero. It's honestly difficult. Oh my God. Does it smell? It? Smells a bit, but the bit that stings and lows, you're gonna laugh literally around your lip line. Oh, my God. That is a stinger. Yeah, You ever get spots on. Yeah, I think that's spot on, and you squeeze that. It's satisfying when it comes out. But my father, it makes you cry, sneeze everything. Absolutely. It's like it's really intense. But I have to say the intrusiveness is what makes your skin change. So I've got a bit of pigmentation and it sucked it out. You need a few more goes to make it totally. I think it's one of the things you go over three months. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah, well, they say do three and then have a year off, right? I can ask it. Yeah, I think this is, by the way, these are. So the chats would have it. The **** this is. It's kids with three drinks in its literal, and then it's all very vain. Why do you look better? And then you just like right? Okay. We all look tired all the time and, you know, got busy lives and typical sort of thing. Sorry. I was just Auntie Emma. Auntie Emma has This is the sign of the times. We're getting into this into a very, very, very indulgent chat. She just poured champagne all over the floor, misjudged it. I mean, it's my bar. Yeah, Exactly. Yeah. Get my pub. Oh, ****. I'm sorry. Would you, like, pull yourself a drink? I'm not Apologies or it's all going to share, isn't it? Really. So is there anything we can see that you're working on? Sinks? I know you worked with some big brands, didn't you? I have some big brands with Brand called article. Just sold 51% of its group there was to do the big jackets. They are? Yeah, and can be done in Bristol, which I helped grow quite quickly to them. Very little turnover to quite a bit in two years. You've done so well, right, people, I think that's one of the things. And we're at the moment, actually, because we're going into business with Ali's sister Amelia. We're going to do kids wear brand so exciting and the fact that we're potentially about to have kids, So, yeah, we're going through our surrogacy journey. It's so exciting. Started a year ago and we had our first attempt in back in June, June 28th. We found out it wasn't successful. Actually, this I must say, if anyone has watched the episode one of the main Jossy season 22. A lot of seasons they would have seen the other night, we found out on camera that I watched it. I actually I actually watched it and then I couldn't watch it. It's you know what? We get the episode or if you're in an episode of Chelsea, you get it the week before five days before. So you know, they probably want us to post on social, whatever and be aware of it, etcetera. And they sent that one to us, I think, three or four weeks before, because it was so sensitive and I must say, And this is any any sceptics for anyone out there We found out on camera, and this is one of the things I say we're doing reality TV Surrogacy is one of those things that people and its fertility thing people shy away from. They don't talk about and they aren't aware of it like it's very difficult to get information. It's very difficult to know what to do and where to go and how it works. There's lots of information out there, but you know, people have agendas and certain things they want to make money off it, so it's very convoluted. So we've shared the entire process and it's important with our position, our platform, whatever that is, to share these things and be completely open, honest and real. And I must say it's probably the most real piece of reality TV out there. I have to say I think one of the reasons I couldn't watch it because I could see the pain in both your faces and I struggled struggled with that. Your friends, obviously, because we're so close. It was difficult to watch for me and obviously I had. Obviously I didn't need to watch the show to know the news, but I thought I couldn't relive it with you. I've struggled to that. It was you know what? Chelsea did an absolutely amazing job. They delivered it beautifully. It was very well done and I'm very proud of what we did that and it's a reality of going through the process. I mean, the thing is like people, people can be very not complimentary about doing reality TV, but if you are going to do it, you have to do it honestly and you have to put everything out there has to be real. Anyone can make up **** for attention. Absolutely. And that's and it quickly becomes transparent that that's the case. So we're very always open and honest, and we put it all out there and for us, the surrogacy thing. Normally it takes a couple of years, and we've been very lucky. We've had some great advice from friends and we managed to get to our first try within about six months, six or seven months. And it was a whirlwind. And we're out in Mexico, where we did the IBF with our surrogate. He's from the UK We wanted to spend time. The man was over this like we were bonding, was very positive, were out there for this exciting thing, and you go through this entire process and we've been so lucky. We are sorry. We found someone who completely connects with us in all the right ways that there has been no negativity to it. Amazing. And then obviously that first try the attempt didn't work. And then you just sort of hit a brick wall and you don't really, because we did it so quickly. You don't really have time to think. What if this doesn't work? First time? Absolutely. There's lots of other bits going on around it. Yeah, that's so tricky. Yeah, and so that obviously came out. I'm I'm not wildly pragmatic. I'm chilled and patient, pragmatic. You keep it all under your hat. I'm good with dealing with stress and always a lot more creative, emotional and like that sort of thing were really upset. And I upset both of us. And just before we found out, I was like, Christ, this is this is it Like we've gone through a lot. We've spent a lot. It's not an easy process. Anyone going through it will know and anyone wanting us to it's it's there's a lot of barriers. Um, And then I found myself getting really, like, emotional and like, erratic. And I was like, God, I'm not be pragmatic and you see all this in the in the scene. And then I suddenly thought as soon as I hear a voice, I'm going to know. And then the phone rang and I was like ship. And then I heard her voice, and then literally, I snapped and I was like, my pragmatism came in and It was immediately to protect Ali like immediately to protect our surrogate because it was like there's a lot of pressure on her like her is her body like And the thing is with surrogacy is all our heuristic that you just pay the expenses are surrogate is literally doing it out of the kindness of their heart. Like she's a wonderful woman. She wants to be pregnant again. She didn't want to have another kid and she wanted to do this to someone. And that's the way you can't Commercial surrogacy is not a thing in the UK, so we're not paying her. We're not doing all this, but we're all on this journey together and everyone there's a lot of pressure. And you handled it very well. Yeah, Ali literally was there and he was like, Don't worry, we're gonna Well, if you want to go again, we'll try again. And all this. And then I was like, I'm gonna be here falling out and, like, literally, I saw him break And like Ali crying, literally upsets me and something against protected mode, Of course. And it's real. And it's poignant. Can I ask you a question? Did you ever watch Chelsea? When Ali was in it in the beginning? Because I knew Ali. I watched Season one and it was great because I wondered if you saw him and like, fancied him on TV. No, no, no, no. I literally walked straight into It was actually quite funny scene and was like, did you fancy when you first saw me, I was like, I thought you were good looking and he told me and I was like, Oh, I thought you were boring And I was. And then I was like, Right, OK, I was being nice. We're having a sentimental moment. We were actually talking about the fact that he was ready to have kids. And we've had this sentimental moment and I was like, Right, OK, this And this is where Aly and AJ's exchange is great, because I've got relation with which I think is the most healthy of any relationship where we can both give it to each other and, like, lay on the line and then if you would just be over This was like a jokey exchange. And he said this because oh, I thought you were boring. I was like **** You said I was like you and you're sucking white jeans, your cowboy boost. He was literally like the week before. He added me as a friend on Facebook. He added me as a friend on Facebook, he was walking through ******* Kensington, wearing a poncho, looking like some sort of like young clone of Laurence Llewelyn Bowen. He literally like ******* some of the some of the choices that boys made. He went to Captain Cambridge likes drama college, and he's just like, you know where his face pain, whatever else is doing. And he had the long hair, his party as **** in all these photos. And oh, he's such a sensitive soul and he has a lot of love and a lot of empathy. And he's one of those things where you're a kid and you basically want to be all. He's not the cool kids. No, no, he's not cool but called for being his own self like he's a very He's very comfortable with the person he is now, and he's very He's fun to be around. He's very gregarious, very great chat, whatever. But he's not cool. So I think he's always struggled with that. So whenever you see pitched, and I mean, he was a good looking ******. Sorry, the fact that was like, honestly, and he came up the other day and it's like the what the ****? Anyone watching? And also something I haven't thought about who the father was taking the photo. He's literally pouting as he's. He's got great lips. He's got, like, this quite hard lining. Looks great, and he's very He's very handsome, is still very handsome. Remember him saying to me, Well, he tried to hold my hand and I let him and then we held hands for the entire weekend. We were literally were in charge of race week. There's lots of people are ****** back of this thing, which is in the corner making up like literally like Matthew on each other. I think it was refreshing. I was in the face of my life where I was standing, had moved from London Dance Charter and down the coast. There is no *** scene down there, and it's like going back 10 years any any *** person. Okay, I've obviously moved down to Chuck and I had a long term boyfriend. Tears, who ends up turning out to be an absolute ship and actually turned out to be married. So Oh, my God. Literally daggers to him. I'm sorry. I was mid six. Um, but yeah, but actually a relationship that helped me grow and I took a lot of positivity out of it, but yes, So I was down in Charleston. We have this heartbreak and then getting over it, and then you came out stating and it's, you know, it's not London. It's not the case, and it's not whatever. So I sort of threw myself into my work. And I was like, I married the job. I resided to myself. I'm never gonna find anyone I want to be with. And I was just going to I'm just wearing my career and I'll be there all the time. And they would be what my life was about. And then Jade, my friend Jason Cooper and Time Keep company was working for was like, Oh, I mean, Jason, he's got two *** friends, right? So it's me and Ali and this everyone like lots of people in the same situation, like oh, I call that friend is like, Oh, I've got one *** friend, another *** friend, and they will fit together. I mean, it's not a TB chicks. Aw, that's nice. Um, but in this case, she was right. Both of us, like whatever. And I'm thinking only in a ******* poncho with white jeans. He's thinking me where you thought I was boring. And they had this channel weekend, and it just all went really, really well, like even so, like, So he came down on the Friday and then we'll there for a week until Sunday, and he was going to be going away. Skiing is going. Where was skiing with Binks. And to this day, I like, obviously. So what happened was we were changing his flight, so he didn't go out to the Tuesday Wednesday? Yeah, it was meant to go on Monday. Um, so we're doing this. We're trying really hard. We're bringing to I mean, sucking Ba's website doesn't work. Nothing does. And this is Sunday and we change his flight, right? And then it's the Sunday evening and heavy snow picture. And also he's got cracking his windscreen and we walked back around to the house. I was living in story which eight house and he said, I'm going to go now. What? The funk. I just spent the last three hours changing your flights for he didn't want to rush things. And he was right. I mean, the next day, I literally made up an excuse that my brother was in London, said London around the corner from you. And he had to see me. We went to Al Santa Santa. I remember that when you went there? Yeah, and then and then stayed over. And then, actually, my brother was down in charge, not in London and with my family. And then that was meant to be seeing them in the morning. I fought them off until about eight. In the evening. Oh, my God. I'm in London. I hate leaving him, especially especially with you're just the most loveliest couple, though. And I know like people would say about the friends. Well, they're so perfect together. You genuinely are. And it's sickening, isn't it? Thank you so much for coming over. Thank you very much. We should definitely go out for dinner Now. I think we should get some food because I'm literally like a drunk. All the alcohol Hernandez a midday, and it's now God knows what time and drank all of these. Yeah, well, obviously we're professional cocktail makers now. Cheers. Literally. This is going to be my signature cocktail Absolut vodka martini guy. And he's going to make me fat. And also the hangover that's coming this tomorrow is not the one. It's not Jin. I mean, they're delicious. Let's drink more, Drink more, drink more. Cheers. Cheers. Yeah, yeah.