Morning Dad Jokes

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One of my morning show bits that i do to help my listeners get through the morning. I just look up Dad jokes and tell them.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
So I got, I got a couple of corny dad jokes and then I got probably the best knock knock joke ever. So here's the corny jokes for today. A cheeseburger walks into a bar bartender says, sorry, we don't serve food here, boom. Once got fired from a canned juice company, apparently I couldn't concentrate. Boom, I used to play the piano by ear, then I learned to use my hands. What, what have you ever tried to catch a frog? A fog? Really? I tried yesterday, but I missed. Yeah, that one, I could have done better on that one. I apologize. Alright, so those are some morning corny dad jokes here is, uh, probably one of the best knock knock jokes you'll hear today. So three brothers, All two years apart, ages, 92, 94, 96 all live in a house together. They all live in a house together. And one night, The 90 year old, 96 year old, he draws up a bath, he puts his foot in, he pauses and he yells down, hey, was I getting in or out of the tub, 94 year old asks back, I'm not sure I'll come up, he starts up the stairs, pauses and heels back down to the other brother. Was I going up or downstairs. The 92 year old who was sitting at the kitchen having a cup of coffee listening to his brother's, shakes his head and says, I sure hope I never get that forgetful knocks on wood for good luck. He then yells up, oh boy, I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door. I'm sorry. That's probably one of the best knock knock jokes ever. But also a very corny joke at the same time. So you get a twofer and coming up here in just a little bit we will have some farm to fork for you. And before we do though, before we move on, I want to throw a random fact year away today. So let's see if I can keep mine. Oh here we go. Here's a random fact for you that I bet you didn't know. Did you know that The United States Navy uses Xbox controllers for their periscopes. In 2000 and 18, the US Navy equipped with its submarines with Xbox 3 60 controllers. The control sticks for the periscope are both expensive and difficult to master. So the U. S. Navy began to install Xbox 3 60 controllers as they are much cheaper. It's not all about cost though, as many periscope operators have used Xbox controllers in the past and they can easily transfer their skills and as somebody who plays an Xbox, I mean it is kind of easy to master but at the same time it's not that difficult. So farm to fork