Allyship Explainer - Warm - Believable - Engaging - Training

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Corporate Explainer Video

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


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Let's start looking at some specific ways you can show up as an ally and your workplace. As you think about the actions you might take. It's helpful to keep your privilege and positional power in mind. When you recognize your privilege, you can better see the barriers that people with less privileged face and address them as you take action. And when you reflect on your positional power, you'll begin to see where you are best position to drive. Change. Your positional power is based on your role in level. We all have positional power. In fact, we often have more than we realize. So how can you start taking action? It's helpful to think about ally ship actions in three categories. Individual interpersonal and structural individual actions Are the steps you take to educate yourself, model good behavior or change your mindset.