Singing Demo Reel

Television Ad


Example of Singing

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The earth is not so flat. My volcanoes are super stacked. I'm making waves across the, the lies. They stay rocked me to my code. Tectonic plates. Wow, they're getting very soon. Oh, how can I feel whole when they don't know? Hey, wait a minute, I got gravity. A circumference. I got freaking time zones. Just look at this heaven. I got another confession. You everyone's got the chins than you when you still be girls is someone. Yes. Is someone one move? I need it so well. Yeah. About what he's doing. Hello? Yeah. Sometimes it, I be your flight. No, you've got to get out and try. Yeah. Love changes everything, hands and face and sky. Love changes everything. How you live and how you die. Love can make a summer fly or it seemed like lifetime. Yes. We love changes everything. I re your day one. It echoes in my mind to count the days till she, I can't tell my friends because they will laugh for love. I'll fight my way to fronto class to get the best. Yes, I drop my pants on floor. She bends down. Shows me that's what even though you for, that's what he was doing. Not like me. That's what I go to school.