I speak English and I have a song and it's title is A Letter to God



A LETTER TO GOD is simple a word of unsatisfactory effect of life to God. Its my song and my life experience which has not been nice

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Nigerian US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Dear God. It's been long. God. Oh good. And that, but let me show the water. I said, you do not let me be a shamed. Don't forsake me for you. I rely on you. Make me good. Show the what did I say? You do not let me be ****. Don't forsake me for you. God be lying. You make me and now those who trust in your, I make it the best of life and your Children and knowing what ever see and the at the church they like God, would you help me now? But you were said they should be heard and the oh, so should the water? I said you do not let me be shamed. Don't forsake me for you. I, I knew show the water down be a sham. Don't for me for you. Yeah. Lie on you make me.