Audiobook sample - Elderly woman - Southern couple - US English

Profile photo for Fadra Nally
Not Yet Rated


This is an audition for a murder mystery where an elderly woman invites a varied assortment of guests to her deadly dinner party

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I sure hope you're hungry. I say, grabbing the salad dressing, A champagne vinaigrette. Are you kidding? Beth hands me the plate of sweets. I've been starving myself all day work catered barbecue, but I turned it down. That's a first ken quips. The man wears a bolo tie, which I find endearing. I have suppressed a laugh. It'll be worth the starvation, I promise. I gestured toward the empty chair at the end of the table. Have a seat. How was the bus better than driving, ken replies, personally, I like public transportation. It's like being chauffeured around, not as fancy, but it gives me time to read. Beth raises her eyebrows. You mean nap? It's responsible to I say, pointing toward the wine since you all will be drinking tonight. Beth sheds her coat, hands it to ken. Oh, we will absolutely be drinking tonight. Good. Are you both wine drinkers before? Beth can answer, ken says more of a whiskey man myself. Joyce, he finds a home for his and Beth's coats, neat if you have it. I smile ah, now that I can help you with my friend, I was never one for sweet drinks. I love a neat whiskey as much as I love a good steak. Two fingers worth. I won't say no, but the wife might beth playfully nudges him, then starts a conversation with Patrick. Something about how heavenly it smells in my kitchen. I side step to the walk in pantry, a tumbler now in hand and again, pull the Rohypnol out of my bra