Commercial Demo - Fadra Nally

Profile photo for Fadra Nally
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


This short commercial demo showcases a few clips for commercial brands like, Kia, Hunt's, Johnson & Johnson, Disney, and Shark.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sure. Poor free vacuums air convenient, but do they work? Shark Ion does Our duo Clean Technology has more suction power and runtime than Dyson on every surface. To has your dog been acting kind of funny lately, sudden mood ships could be a sign of anxiety. Purina Pro plan supplements can give your dog the nutrients they need to feel their best. GPS said to turn around There was no road up ahead that's never stopped me before. All new key SL toes cut your own path. Babies need all the care they can get, but so do the rest of us. That's why we're developing advanced treatments for people young and old Johnson and Johnson. Here it hunts. We don't grow tomatoes and factories and use chemicals to peel them. We grow them on the farm, then steam them with no chemicals from vine to dine. That's hunts Way were waiting for the perfect time to go to Disney World, as if Mickey Mouse would call us one day and say, Okay, now is the time