Relaxed Sample

Profile photo for Gabriel Gomez
Not Yet Rated


Learning course and relaxed/animated voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When you think of computer science, what comes to mind? It's certainly an essential field that has revolutionized nearly every aspect of modern life, everything from business and education to entertainment and social interaction. It offers endless possibilities for innovation and problem solving. And that's exciting. But beyond that, hearing the words, computer science may very well conjure images of mystifying programming and strange text based languages. Now that may be what comes to mind. But what about who, who do you think of when you hear the terms computer science or computer programming? For many? It will probably be some socially awkward guy in a short sleeve button up shirt, the Bill Gates of the world, the Mark Zuckerberg's guys who dropped out of school to develop billion dollar companies that seem to make the world turn all that hardware and software and social media that we all seem to eat up. But who don't come to mind for most people are women, which is shocking, given the significant roles women have played in the history of computing. It's honestly astonishing how much impact women had had in the field without much fanfare. In fact, programming used to be considered pink color work firmly associated with women. So today we're going to fill in some of the blanks in present day thinking.