Middle-Eastern Accents

Profile photo for VOICEOVERS By GALE
Talent Online


Saudi, Iranian, UAE, Arabic, Egyptian, Qatar, Turkey, Iraqi, Shohreh Agdashloo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Afghan Arabic (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Egypt has often been called the gift of denial. This thin ribbon of water running through the desert brought life with its annual floods. The ancient Egyptians settled along the riverbanks. Honey. It's mommy will be home soon. Your father isn't feeling well. In this module, you will explore what the Istanbul protocol all is, how it is used by health, legal and human rights professionals and how its eight key components to investigation can help in cases of torture such as Ahmed's when you travel from one place to another, it affects the human spirit, especially for the Children, because we had left the family and every. And the main reason for this trip was because of my Children, I left Afghanistan so they could study and have a happy life for over 80 years. We have reliably sustainably and consistently created high value at low cost Saudi Aramco upstream is digital. Izing across the value chain for lasting impact.