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Strong, opinionated spokesperson, outraged citizen, real-person testimonials, genuine, smart, conversational, with a hint of authority.

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How many times do you see a politician and realize they just don't get it? That's why Deborah Baranski is running for state Senate. California's budget is like a roller coaster. Up and down it goes, taking taxpayer's students, businesses, transportation projects, health care and public safety on a wild ride. Leadership isn't about scoring points. It's about both parties stepping up and working together to solve tough problems. Part of fixing the economy is fixing our broken immigration system. That means securing our borders, cracking down on employers who cheat on payroll taxes and exploit cheap labour are new. Congressman Andy Harris campaigned, vowing to repeal the new health reform law. He even called it socialism. So what was the first thing Andy Harris did in Washington? He complained he wasn't getting his government provided health care fast enough. Say what? Sullivan County voters recognize a man of wisdom who will enforce the law. That's why they've twice elected Judge Jerry back honest. How much longer will we allow our needs to go unanswered? Join Zach Spaces Campaign to return home town values to Congress The Bakersfield Californian has endorsed Bill Wyman for state assembly, the Californians editorial board called his opponents answers to their questions disappointing and said neither seem to have done their homework. Democrat Damon Conley has spent his career fighting for Californians. Damon Conley. He'll fight for you.