Snarky - Edgy - Hip - Explainer

Video Narration


I produced this video, including script, video editing and VO. The client wanted an edgy, hip sound to liven up the topic of financial planning.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Look, we know you didn't start your business to count coins and play with spreadsheets. But we both know that without cash, your business will be dead in the water in no time. Cash is the fuel that runs every business and you not only need it, you need to know just how much you'll have and when you'll get it. If you don't know that, you're just hoping it all works out. But come on...hope's not a strategy. The problem is that budgets are completed at a monthly level and that's fine for general long term planning, but for managing midterm operations?...Not so much. You need to forecast your cash balance weekly if you're going to survive. Cashphlow is a cash forecasting solution that predicts your cash balance weekly without the complexity of most financial planning software applications and that's it! No need to create spreadsheets every week. No formula errors and the forecast is created in minutes, not hours. Cashphlow was created to help businesses succeed. So how do we do it? It simply automates the forecast of your weekly cash balances using your actual data, providing visibility over a 90 day period. Your company data is used to automatically generate a weekly cash balance forecast. We take your payroll and HR data and map that to your sales forecast to identify trends and potential cash flow challenges. Let's do the math: Cash is critical. Spreadsheets are laborsom and prone to error but cash flow is fast, reliable and easy and it shows you just what you need to see, when you need to see it. Sign up for a free trial at