Gary Barboza - Political Demo - Inspiring, Authoritative, Patriotic

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Political Voice Overs for Television, Radio and Social Media

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
character. It's how you live your life. Jim and Mary Bunting, raised nine Children enjoy 35 grandchildren. These are the values and experiences. Jim bunning delivers for Kentucky expanded health care benefits for veterans and National Guard families standing up too bad trade deals with china and Mexico standing with our troops to defeat terrorism and keep America safe. What are joe smith's priorities as crime rates and prices skyrocket. He's focused on illegal immigrants, voting for driver's licenses and in state tuition for them. While our Children's education is under attack, joe smith wrong priorities wrong for delegate to know Virginia is to know people who believe in hard work raising the kids right and pitching in to help the neighbors when they need it. We're the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation representing tens of thousands of rural virginians and today we're taking a good look at Mark Herring Virginia's Attorney General. Amendment three is the only ballot box initiative that limits gaming to just two locations, preventing an explosion of gambling while keeping $300 million in Nebraska money that can help Nebraska communities and Nebraska schools