Gavin Muir - Audiobooks 2022 - Fiction/Sci-Fi - Michael Crichton



Excerpt: Michael Crichton, \"Jurassic Park\"

Aggressive, Articulate, Believable, Charismatic, Confident, Dynamic, Edgy, Engaging, Narrator, Strong, Announcer, Guy Next Door, Narrator, Real Person, Storyteller

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The velociraptor sniffed it jerked its head and looked right at tim. Tim nearly gasped with fright. Tim's body was rigid, tense. He watched as the reptile. I moved, scanning the room. Another sniff. He's got me, tim thought. Then the head jerked back to look forward, And the animal went on toward the 5th steak. Tim thought. Lex, please don't move, please don't move! Whatever you do, please don't. The velociraptor sniffed the steak and moved on. It was now at the open door to the freezer, tim could see the smoke billowing out, curling along the floor toward the animal's feet, one big clawed foot lifted, then came down again silently. The dinosaur hesitated. Too cold. Tim thought he won't go in there, It's too cold! He won't go in, he won't go in, he won't go in. The dinosaur went in. The head disappeared. Then the body than the stiff tail tim sprinted, flinging his weight against the stainless steel door of the lockers, slamming it shut. It slammed on the tip of the tail. The door wouldn't shut. The velociraptor! Roared a terrifying loud sound inadvertently. Tim took a step back. The tail was gone. He slammed the door shut and heard a click closed.