Geoff Prickett - Audiobooks - History Demo

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Not Yet Rated


A sample read from a history book.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
1968 A turning point of the american war in Vietnam by Mark Bowden. The Wong River squad in the afternoon along La Loi Street uniform. Children spill from school yards like flocks of freed birds swinging backpacks running or on bicycles. The boys in white shirts and shorts, the girls with their long black hair and the white flaps of their body flying. The street is huge, center. It runs along the south bank of the long river and has planted at intervals with plane trees that lean out over the busy flow of scooters and cars. On the streets North side along the riverbank is a wide green promenade and on the south side is a row of imposing stone buildings. Behind high walls painted in pastels of green, yellow, red, brown and pink. Across the water rise the modeled forbidding stone walls of the citadel, a monumental fortress from another era. The river's name wang evokes the pleasing scent of incense or the pink and white petals that float downstream in autumn from orchards to the north. The americans called it the perfume river