2023 Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Geralyn Byrd
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
Radio Ad


This commercial demo features a range of spots that include: an overwhelmed mother in need of a \"me\" time, a smooth, cool sell, without selling, and a caring friend encouraging others to seek the help they need for recovery.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Luxury style convenience. All yours visit your Mercedes dealer for exceptional offers today. Uh The alarm. Ok, let's go. Breakfast. Carline, baseball, gymnastics, violin, pick up uniforms, order leotards, cupcakes for the class party, candles for the birthday party, laundry dinner. My sanity need a moment for yourself. Coming to massage envy so you can get back to me. City of Stem socal's largest celebration of science, technology, engineering and math is back. Join us, April 2nd at Columbia Memorial Space Center for dozens of free hands on activities, live music, food trucks and more more information at city of stem dot org. Amenities at your fingertips. You can find them on rent, rent dot com. Progress takes time and it takes patience both with yourself and with others at Monarch. We're pro talking it out pro taking your time and pro finding the treatment. That's right for you. Visit Monarch NC dot org to find the mental health help you need.