Cautious, Believable, Concerned but Hopeful NPC - video game



Sample dialogue from Choo Choo Charles: a video game for Mac & PC. I played the role of Gale.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The archivist in all your radiant glory. Paul entrusted me with a key to one of the mines containing an egg. But before I give it to you, I have to warn you about something. There's an ancient shrine on the island. A pyramid of sorts with a curious prism located at the top. The prism seems to have been designed for one purpose to destroy monster eggs. Three slots are carved into the prism which perfectly fit the eggs. When fully loaded, a massive beam of energy is emitted seemingly drawn from the eggs themselves. The mutineers hope this event will lure Charles to a mortal fight as he comes in defense of the eggs. Now, for the real warning, Charles has the ability to absorb energy from the burst, strengthening and enraging him. We saw it once before and he may become even more dangerous this time. However, it's not my place to oppose despite the danger. So here's the mind key. Once you have retrieved all the eggs and the key to the shrine, we might just be able to end this hell.