Call Spiel

Profile photo for glenn mon
Not Yet Rated


this is a demo of my experiences as a customer service

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - East Midlands, Leicester)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey there, Nikki, my name is Glenn and I was calling about your property. I believe you own at 4087 North Baltimore Avenue, is that correct? Okay, so we just want to reach out to you to see if you'd be interested in cash offer on your property there. Okay. Sounds good. I only have a basic information about your property and I'm not sure if it is abated. Can I ask you some simple questions about it? So we can have a better idea of how much we can offer you start? All right, okay, great. Do you happen to have this listed with real tour? I see. So this is like a nice property. I'm just curious what made you decide to accept an offer for it, You know, Nikki, a lot of people who are seriously thinking about solving their property already have a price in mind. What does the price look like for you? Better way. That seems legit. So let's say we can agree on a price. How soon do you think you can sell? Seven days, two weeks, a month or a couple of months? Let's say, you know, this is all great. So far, Mind me asking if you have any other properties you might be interested in selling or do you know anyone else who might looking to sell their property anytime soon? Okay. Not at the moment. I see an understandable. Well, do you have an active email where we can contact you as well? Okay. Um, this is the best number to reach you? Right at 493567-3-5. When will be the best time to call you back? I see. Okay. That's great. I think I have all the information that I need. You're in good hands, my partner and I will put your options and you're offered together and we will call you as soon as possible. Thanks a lot. I appreciate your time. Have a great day. Bye for now.