


book reading demo for a client making audio-books

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
beset with religious clashes, political disputes and endless power struggles. The 13th century was a turbulent period in Anatolia in the West, the crusaders on the way to Jerusalem occupied and sacked Constantinople, leading toe the partition off the Byzantine Empire. In the East, highly disciplined Mongol armies swiftly expanded under the military genius off junkies, Han in between different Turkish tribes fought amongst themselves. Why the by sentence tried to recover the lost land, wealth and power. It waas a time off, unprecedented chaos when Christians fought Christians, Christians for Muslims and Muslims. For Muslims everywhere, one turned, there was hostility and anguish and an intense fear off what might happen next. In the midst of this chaos lived the distinguish Islamic scholar known as Jalaluddin Rumi, nicknamed Moulana Our master were many. He had thousands of disciples and admirers from all over the region and beyond. He was regarded as a beacon to all Muslims. In 12 44 Rumi met chums, a wandering dervish with unconventional ways and heretical proclamations. Their encounter altered both their lives at the same time, it mont the big ning off a solid, unique friendship that Sufis in the centuries to follow likened to the union off Two Oceans. My meeting, this exceptional companion, Rumi, was transformed from a mainstream cleric to a comet and mystic, passionate point advocate of love and originator off the ecstatic dance off the bowling. Delicious in an age off, deeply embedded by God, trees and clashes, he stood for his universal spirituality, opening his door to people of all backgrounds instead off out oriented jihad defined as the war against infidels and carried out by many. In those days, just as in prison, Rumi stood up for the inner Oriental Jihad, where the aim was to struggle against and ultimately prevail over one's ego. Enough's not all people. Welcomed is ideas, however justice. Not all people open their hearts to love. The powerful spiritually bond between Shams and Rumi became a target of rumor, slander and attack. They were misunderstood, envied, vilified and ultimately betrayed by those close to them. Three years after they met, they were tragically separated. But the story then end here. In truth, there was never an end. Almost 800 years later, the spirits of Shams and Rumi are still alive today, rolling around somewhere