Science Fiction- When the Moon Turned Green- Multiple Characters w/ Narration



Thrilling/Tense Scene, Narration, Character Dialogue

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a cold shiver ran up my spine. Many fine ship I had seen strike that invisible network of rays and puff into smoke was that to be the New York's fate. We're about to pass through the enemy barrage. All well, came the sergeant's unemotional monotone, repeating the voice in his ears. I knew that voice is being listened to in Washington by a little group whose every shoulder board, the stars of high command. My thoughts flashed to them, gazing breathless at the screen. That image the very scene before us. My breath stopped. Now she must be in it now. The next second would tell the tale We have passed through the enemy First line barrage. All well, a faint whistling of release breath came from all about me. I was not the only one who had agonized at that moment. The first test had been passed, with the other being successful. We are increasing our speed to the maximum objective. Dead ahead. All Well, I saw the ship fairly leaped through this guy. 500 miles an hour was her greatest speed. Another moment we are entering. The cloud bow is invisible. All she was in it She lurched, plunged forward. She was hidden. I turned to the sergeant. Tremendous concentration was on his brown's face. He reached out, twirled a dial in the set before him, and shook his head slightly trolled again. We were knotted around him, our faces bloodless. He looked up. The last sentence was cut off sharp, Sir. I can hear nothing more. Even the carrier wave is dead. Jim ripped out an oath, snatched the phones and clamp them over his own ears. Dead silence. Unless he looked up. Nothing, gentlemen.