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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Where does a movement start? This one started with one woman. One brilliant idea, One inspired spark that went and inspired thousands of others all over this world. Shell Martinez wanted to open her home to strangers in need. Creating a movement built by you and you and you every single day. And where we go from here is everywhere. Where does movement start? This one started with one woman. One brilliant idea, one inspired spark that went and inspired thousands of others all over this world Shell Martinez wanted to open her home to strangers in need. Creating a movement built by you and you and you every single day. And where we go from here is everywhere. What is the movement? Start This one started with one woman. One brilliant idea. One inspired spark that went it inspired thousands of others all over this world. Shell Martinez wanted to open her home to strangers in need. Creating a movement built bar you and you and you every single day. And where we go from here is everywhere. Where does the movement start? This one started with one woman. One brilliant idea, One inspired spark that went and inspired thousands of others all over this world. Shell Martinez wanted to open her home to strangers in need, creating a movement built by you and you and you every single day. And where we go from here is everywhere. Yeah.