GP Mckenzie Commercial Spot Demo

Radio Ad


These are assorted commercial spots for products and services that I recorded and did the audio editing for the final reel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
it's wildfire season. Reconstruction costs are soaring. Your insurance coverage six months ago might not be enough today. Don't wait until it's too late. Check your coverage twice a year, learn more at twice a year dot help brought to you by the Greenspan company adjusters International. Getting work done today means moving fast and keeping it simple. And with everything that goes into reaching the finish line, a signature should be the last thing that slows you down. It's time for simple secure E signatures built for the way you work. This is how it sounds to sell your house to Zillow. It sounds like making an ice tea because that's what you're making instead of repairs. And that's the sound of floating in the pool because you got a cash offer and now you can just chill. All that's left to do is choose your closing date, get a cash offer and chill at Zillow dot com slash offers the sink that's always there in a pinch. That's LK the sink that doubles as your luxurious third bathroom. That's okay. The sink that reminded you it's finally time to do that. Remodel. That's LK the sink. That saves the day on busy mornings. That's LK the sink. That saves the day. That's L. K. Is your sports drink do for a refresh protein to Oh is delicious. Refreshing has no sugar, no Phillies and is packed with 20 g of protein. It's you're ready to drink protein beverage with all the benefits. No barriers. Yeah