Video Game- Old Miner 2019

Profile photo for GUS KLEIN
Not Yet Rated


gaming, character, animated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Gus climbed for Old minor. I promised you reward. And I'm a man who keeps my word. Yes, sir. Here's the book I was telling you about that all kinds of useful information. And hopefully it will be of some use to you. A new pilot. Scrap metal Going to stop old bulb? No, sir. I just got the thing to clear that mess out. Have that mind going again in no time. You wait and see. Damn them. Robots each never want. I sure hope you gave him **** for Trudy. You, uh you get him out into now? I'm right back where I started. Some ******* help you turn out to be best. You better clear out of here. I got work to do. Book. No sacks had me that by the short hairs for a while, I had worked like a dog to keep him in. The patriarch. Satisfied? And what I get out of it? Nothing. Um um Watch, plank book someone Watch that Northern Ridge