The Owl That Was



Award-nomianted performance (Vox Award 2021 - Best Character Performance) of audio drama poetry podcast from Cornucopia Radio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
recently, as I sat in my flat, I heard the familiar coo of an owl excitedly. I recounted to my flatmate the many ways this bird called shaped my memories how the sound brings a softness to my heart, reminding me of my childhood and long summer days of rising early before others. As the sun starts to shine through the cracks in the clouds, sneaking out to play in the street as the world starts to come alive. Of late twilight evenings, having explored outside all day, getting lost amongst the fields, the owl calling me to head home in time for dinner. As I grew older, this owl call would transport me back to the ease and innocence of childhood, and for a moment I would be there. It would feel so special to hear this owl, especially during the day, all on a busy street like it was my guardian angel bringing me a gift of home. As I finished recounting my tail, I felt the familiar glow of nostalgia rise up inside before smiling at my flatmate. She laughed, and in one fell swoop, heartlessly shredded my childhood with words like sharp talons, jess. That's not an owl. That's a pigeon