American English Female Commercial Demo, 10 years industry experience

Radio Ad


A small sampling of the 50+ commercial audios I've produced.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ok. So you're craving pizza? But how do you get it? You could use a fancy big chain app, but the pizza tastes like cardboard. So that brings us to option too. Delivery apps. They seem great, but then they on their fees and holy crap. Not so great. So we thought what if there was a fancy app that made it quick and easy to order from the best local pizzeria. So we did and it's called Slice and you should download it right now. Things are heating up when the sun goes down from Rick and Morty to robot chicken and the mind bending aqua hunger for surreal, sharp and always surprising. Only on adult swim. It's a bear. It's a monkey. No, it's a tree kangaroo. That's right. The Santa Fe College teaching Zoo is home to the matches tree kangaroo. Tap the app or visit sf college dot edu slash zoo to learn more. Let's talk about bugs. No, not those. We mean moths, butterflies and the thousands of other critters that go about their day on the prairie pollinating plants and helping our food grow. Some of these insects are in trouble. Discover the gift of comfort and style curated, especially for you. Celebrate the season. Embrace the warmth, Lulu Lemon. Find your perfect fit today.