Celebrity Voices performed by Bryan Davies

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You will hear Casey Kasem introduce Jimmy Stewart Humphrey Bogart Morgan Freeman Sam Elliot Richard Attenborough Robert Deniro James Mason and Jim Carey

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Italian (American) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, this is Casey Casey. I'm in Hollywood. I want to introduce you to a few friends. Here comes my friend Jimmy Stewart. Jimmy, would you like to say hello? Well, I guess I could say a few words since I just returned from Bedford Falls. Look who's beside Jimmy Stewart. It's Humphrey Bogart. Hey, sweetheart, you and I could make beautiful music together. Now here's a man who needs no introduction. Direct from his latest movie, Morgan Freeman. Andy Different Once told me, You better get busy living or get busy dying. What do you think about that, Sam Elliott? Well, I'm going to get busy living soon as I down this shot of whiskey. Thanks, Sam. Here is one of my favorite British narrators of nature shows. Richard Attenborough. You know, Casey, I'm really a director who fell into voiceovers by accident. Another of my favorite Hollywood actors is Robert De Niro. You're talking to me, You talking to me? Our friend James Mason has enjoyed playing wonderful parts. Do me a favor, my good man, and porous and t Thank you so much. Here comes Jim Carey. What words of wisdom do you have for us today? Alrighty, then. I'm Casey Kasem, and this has been celebrity voices by Brian Davies