Clear and Articulate



Spoken intro for online learning.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
quality defines your reputation as an individual and project leader as well as our reputation as a provider around the globe. This applies not only to providing quality products and services, but equality everything we do from our products and services to our safety and communications. Every element of planning and executing a project should be looked at and monitored for quality. This training module will be focusing on the quality associate ID with a project. Quality defines your reputation as an individual and project leader as well as our reputation as a provider around the globe. This applies not only to providing quality products and services, but to quality everything we do from our products and services to our safety and communications. Every element of planning and executing a project should be looked at and monitored for quality. This training module will be focusing on the quality. Associate it with a project