Warm-Energetic-Smooth-Funny Commercial Demo Reel

Profile photo for Ikeia Miller
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This sample displays a range of commercial capabilities. Ikeia serves as the voice actor and recorded it within her own home studio.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Where you live, what you do, who you are, thousands of things go into making your health unique. That's why mercy is here for you as the region's largest hospital system. Mercy has more than 1000 doctors. Mercy, we're here for you. Always a touch better means we back up parts for life. Get up to $100 back on break service with your minus credit card schedule an appointment for your car today and my days dot com Fiji water begins as a cloud high above Fiji and is untouched by man until you open the cap Fiji more than water somewhere between the rosemary and olive oil cracker, crisp and the rich amaretto, chocolate covered almonds Liza snack venture, where will it take you burger king would like to suggest that everybody from Mcdonald's please leave the room now. The rest of you ready And a coast to coast opinion poll blame boiling frying by nearly 3 to 1. Do you believe it? Nearly 3 to 1 in burger king blame broyles. Okay, everybody for Mcdonald's can come back now break it to them gently