Conversational Commercial demo in Nigerian English

Television Ad


This was a sample for a commercial that required Africans with Nigerian accented English. To create the takes in the most conversational way as Nigerians speak, I simulated a conversation with a friend.I also edited the sample.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) Nigerian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's a beautiful day to day to smile and work hard. It's a beautiful day to day to smile and work hard. It's a beautiful day to day to smile and work hard. Why are you carrying face up and down now? Uh, it's a beautiful day to smile and work hard. It's a beautiful day to day to smile and work hard. It's a beautiful day to day to smile and work hard. It's a beautiful day today to smile and work hard. It's a beautiful day to day to smile and work hard.