Tiny Jumps In - Children's Storybook

Profile photo for Inshra Russell
Not Yet Rated


An audio reading of a picture book for children called Tiny Jumps In, featuring a curious girl called Tiny who goes on a magical underwater adventure.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Indian (Banglades - Bengali) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
tiny jumps in origin and receipted by insurance, a code on the shore time. She spent her days doing things she loves and every night tell her system. Although mhm, always inquisitive, Tiny would often wonder about the league by her house. There was something intriguing about it. She decided she simply had to explore it, but first she needed to prepare. Determined as ever, she took swimming lessons and practise three D to become a good server. Finally, the day came with Tiny knew she was ready. She had it to work the league in an excited fancy. Got to be a great she technic one last time and tested the water. I can do this. Looking down at the leak, Tiny prepared to jump. But suddenly she was filled with doubt. Who knew what may be needed? That's good. Three. Why was ever good idea? Unsure of what to do? Tiny's heart of her older sister. Her sister was always scared of new team, but still she never gave up. Tiny wouldn't give up, either. She let go of the branch, and all her fears took a D bread and a brilliant rush. The wait was over and tiny with swimming in the lake. There were so many fish off different shapes, sizes and colours. Field with curiosity. I want to go deep breath. Soon she was swimming with wonders, Chris years she had never seen before and who had never seen her before. Ohh! God down! Swear creatures school Mum. For one terrifying moment, she might get but the creator by now she was almost out of breath but clever, tiny special bubbles to breathe with so she could carry on. Please, We will never has she sell so nine the leak with B and incredible. But it was time to go home. Tiny couldn't wait to tell her sister all about her under water and fence. What would she take? She promised herself that she would never forget this day. She had learned she could do anything. She put mine with the warm sun on her back. Tiny wondered 16 B n