Commercial Minute

Profile photo for Jayne Amelia Larson
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Showcases a selections of commercial spots I have booked for television and radio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
years 2020. All chocolate is bad. Three way fight wars by email on excess baggage doesn't require therapy. Future is what you make it can I shaved every day? I tweeze everything. I endured the needle, but now I'm free, thanks to soft, light, gentle laser hair removal for all types of skin at spa. Thira Herrera for men, her husband sounds intriguing. When can I meet him introducing the Speedos sports bra collection? It performs. It fits. It flatters. It figures it's Feedem Caesar's Indiana Seize the day. Inside, every woman is a stone introducing Isaac by Isaac Miss Rye. So how do you make it? From the seven o'clock news to the 11 news on 10 calories sugar free Jell O gelatin, Cool and refreshing and only 10 calories.