CHR Aircheck

Profile photo for Joe Adelmann
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Aircheck from Radio Hofstra University's CHR Show \"Off The Charts\". A mix of live and voice tracked stories of content aired to engage, entertain, and inform listeners to entice continued listenership.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
W R H u this is off the charts. And who's the good ish of boys? Well, that would be Max, a canine cop in whales who found a missing mother and her baby on his first day on the job. Talking about eventful day, Max was trained to track and locate people, which is just what he did. The dog found both the mom and the baby who were stranded on the edge of a ravine on the side of a steep mountain. Now I think we all can hope that Max got extra treats at belly rubs just for his efforts. Oh, boy, there's another study about coffee, and this time it's some good news for all college students and coffee addicts out there. It says it could save your life. This is W. R. H. Use off the charts, and researchers in Australia say drinking at least two cups a day could spare you from liver disease. They say that people who drank two or more cups of Java cut their chances of dying from liver disease by half. Now I'm pretty sure that there will be another study tomorrow that comes out that says coffee will kill you, but at least for now you can feel safe and enjoying that caffeine Britney Spears on W. R H Use off the charts and sorry if I'm out of breath. I just did a whole dance routine to that one because that's the appropriate response to a Britney Spears song. Now, today we've got some beautiful weather outside here at W. R. H used off the charts and topped his home for hit music. As we look outside of the weather today, we've got some sunny skies high of 85 tonight clouds, a little bit of wind and a low of 73. Tomorrow we've got a high of 86 partly cloudy. And as we continue commercial free here on Radio Hostile University, we've got some powerful and some coffee for your head. It was something out of a Christmas story mixing with Willy Wonka in one Swiss town. It started snowing. Coco, This is W. R. H. Use off the charts, and it turns out the sweet storm came from the Lindt chocolate factory. The ventilation system malfunctioned, and that is a businessman's nightmare. There was a nice breeze, and the Swiss town became covered with a fine cocoa dusting. Now the company has offered to pay for the cleanup of all that chocolate. But, I mean, would you want to in the first place? That sounds like every child's dream. All I'm hoping is that somebody took pictures and we're gonna get them somewhere because that has got to look amazing. W R H u This is off the charts and w R H u is also home to the Islanders radio network and last week, after the Islanders managed to make the cut into the Stanley Cup playoffs by winning those qualifiers, the schedules are out and your next chance to hear the boys on ice. It's gonna be Wednesday at three PM and you'll get all the action right here on the Islanders Radio Network. We got Chris King and Greg Picker with the call Wednesday three PM WRE at you This is off the charts. Hoster's home for hit music. I'm Joe hanging out with you here on this Tuesday morning. I want to thank you for tuning in and hanging out with me, and I want to thank everyone on the front lines, doing everything they can to keep us safe and protected. But that will about do it for me today. Coming up at the top of the 12 o'clock hour, we've got a treat for you. It's Josephine Marietta with some Sabato Italiano coming up for you. And you know, it's always gonna be worth a good lesson. She's absolutely fantastic. And of course, I will be back tomorrow at 9 a.m. To play more of your favorite hit music completely commercial free. But until then, I'm gonna go ahead and leave you with Will Mosey. It's blueberry Faiga. Talk to you tomorrow.