Mad Scientist

Profile photo for Jake McAskill
Not Yet Rated


A Mad Scientist selling \"Bug Blood\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What's all the buzz around the new berit burrows, bug blood bonanza. Well now you too can join the hundreds of boils and ghouls and experience this delightful delicacy for yourself, G Company. Oh, the G. Stands for Gargoyles, Goblins of Gertrude. That's me by the way. Anyways, we've been working nonstop to consistently create a quality, classic and practically perfect drink to satisfy and gratify your bug blood cravings. But don't believe it. Just because we say so, just listen to this exhilarated customer. Uh huh. Yeah, it's pretty good. Such a delightfully animated or, dare I say, reanimated fellow, isn't he? Our growing group of grand scientists are constantly constructing the formula to bring you. Only the biggest baddest best estes taste that will revitalize anyone's spirits and is even said to rival the legendary taste of the killer gob gilded dung beetle. So try the newly enhanced, superbly augmented, innovatively modernized and fashionably bottled beer. It burrows bug blood bonanza today. Find it at dirties grandmothers marketplace on casket way Or give us a call at 1 809 7 to 2 to 12 As we always say, bug blood is better than no blood