Aspen & Bravo Registered

Profile photo for Jako Montalvo
Not Yet Rated


Two mice that don't know their background ethnicities and destiny make sure they find out.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I can find a place to stay that is comfortable and that when I'm not in danger, the worst thing is that the sun is about to set and I have no place to go. I will start running as fast as I can and try to find somebody to guide me around here. Hey, crazy mouse! Where did you leave your GPS? You're off the trail. Didn't you see me walking? Are you blind to Oh, my gosh. Help me get the stuff picked up. I'm in a hurry and I have some place to be. The son is about to sentence. Getting very dark and dangerous here. Whoa! Hi. I am so sorry. Lady, are you OK? It would be much better if you hurry up and help me. Otherwise I'm fine. Hi. I'm in a hurry to because of the same reason is getting very late. And I was trying to final place. I will help you, Fats. But I need to keep going. A certain aside, finished can be chatting with you to march. What? Really? Now I'm the one who's sorry. Rico, swallow a huh? This is not the dating game. I have no interest in chatting. Believe me, too much to do. Thank you for helping me, though. Oh, okay. But you seem like you want to keep talking a bit more. Did you say you have to go? My name is Brad, but female rodents call me Jen. No Malls? Ha! More like path or mouse knocking rodents over. No talk. Gotta go. Thanks for reminding me. By the way, Where you from? What are your *** centers from? Sounds very America to meet. I would like to learn proper English to teach me LD free. See what? This. Your name? Of course. Silly mouse. I was born and raised here in the U. S. I am no teacher. Your deal, Ingalls. Good. My name is Aspen. Aspen are KCIA. I'm not your precious and I really need to go. How power for you. But you to a great coffee, but off course in your house. Because I don't have any place to stay at the moment. So now you're done. One already trying to get into my house. How are you supposed to get me a great cup of coffee in my own house? It's starting to rain. Gotta get out of the rain.