

A few short narration clips from completed Audiobooks

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
forward. A couple of years back, I had to let go of an agency. Essentially, we had been through that routine that you, as a marketer, probably know about. We had already been through a pitch round with three agencies and selected one that we felt had the right approach, talent and understanding of our business. We spent weeks internally aligning stakeholders and gathering insights, and had written a brief for the agency. Self love Experiment Number one Do something kind for yourself. Do this by making yourself a promise and following through on that promise, for example, you can promise yourself a walk on a trail you like, or a few hours of fishing at your favorite spot. If it would be fun to get ice cream or go bowling, you can promise that to yourself. While some people possess logic and the ability to use it. Very few of us embrace logic all the time. We do things every day that point away from logic in towards a sort of stubborn irrationality. Even when someone points out the lack of reasoning in our behavior, we persist in doing things the way we want to. Instead of the way we introduction Train up a child in the way he should go. And when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22 6 As parents, we have a unique responsibility to pass down financial wisdom to our Children. Kids don't inherently know what money is or how toe handle it when they're young. They certainly won't care about saving any of it. What they do learn is by watching how their parents and other family members handle their own money. It is the parents responsibility to set a good example of how to responsibly manage money as well as how to save and invested for the future.