Demo reel for Radio Ads

Profile photo for Jaleel K
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Softer, more calming tone. Background music included. 3 short clips.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Wanna hear something. Fresh cuckoo is served in a brand new glass bottle. It's more environmentally friendly and keeps your drink cooler going green has never been tastier, more transparent and refreshing. We tend to think of quality decisions as those that turn out well and bad decisions are the ones that have a negative outcome. Of course, at the time that we made our decision to take a vacation, we could not have predicted exactly how things would turn out unforeseen events and accidents can interfere with even the most carefully planned trips sleep. It's one of the most basic human functions yet for millions of Americans, it can feel frustratingly elusive. Are you constantly having trouble falling and remaining asleep? Do you wake up feeling exhausted? If so, then it's time to regain control of your sleeping pattern and master the art of rest?