Friendly and motherly childrens audiobook narration



Years of theater, youth theater, and motherhood contributes to the calm storytelling and character building.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
And tossed his head back to show off his impressive horns. This was all new to Bill as he was raised in a small stall and his new home was very different. He had a lot to explore. Bill stood on the hill and watched all the barn yard animals. And he thought to himself, I am the biggest animal on farmer Fred's farm. No other animal has such great horns. Even though I have grandchildren of my own. It seems like only yesterday when I returned home from school to find a frog in my bedroom. Now, my mother just chuckled when I yelled out, I found a frog on my bed. Now, she knew that I would eventually find one. But she let me discover a wonder of nature that many people miss. You see a little earlier that spring when I was six years old, I saw some little black fish in a pond. Many years ago. Deep in the north woods, lived a great bear named Papa. He was the strongest and bravest bear alive and respected by all the forest creatures. One day, all the animals gathered together to discuss some changes in the woods. A new animal that walked on two legs and was covered in strange fur was making its home nearby. They needed a leader and could think of no one better than Pawpaw. They all marched to Papa's cave and asked if he would be the king of the forest. Papa was thrilled and even though he didn't know what being a king was all about, he gladly accepted Papa. Then said, I will need some helpers and want Crowley Crow and Willard Weasel to be my advisors.