Huggies Documentary



Narration for a charity documetary

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Huggies has been growing strongly over the years with the promise that a Huggies diaper hugs your baby just like you. As part of the brand's commitment to give back to the community on the aim to make sure that every child is surrounded by a warmth and love, we decided to spread the hugging in the smiles to Children with very few hugs and smiles. Orphans. The objective was to find a way to get people involved, all the while spreading the huggy feeling that Huggies provides. The idea was to transform hugs into smiles on DH, smiles into diapers for orphans on the occasion of World Hug Day. To do so. Our Huggies Baby winter on Lebanon's biggest mall, giving hugs to shoppers spreading warmth and love while Children were eager to get some hugs. Once the word got out that every hug would actually be transformed into a smile for an orphan, the young on the young at heart lined up to get their hug on DH, play their part in spreading the happiness. The following day, with over 500 hugs collected on DH 500 packs of diapers to match, the Huggies baby went to a local orphanage. Her hand deliver the diapers on more hugs. The reaction of the Children says it all pure happiness on a feeling of love and warmth that brought sunshine to their day. Before leaving, Huggies left behind a good amount of hugs and warmth and over 15,000 diapers, making sure that the 150 orphans would be hugged warmly for the many days to come. In doing so, the Huggies baby instantly became a symbol of warmth and care for orphans and for all those who hugged their way to their smiles.