Self Confidence: Life Growing Up In A Normal World



Narrated and produced this self help audio book

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


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Chapter one Norm World and How Society Perceives It To Be. The society we live in is ruled by social norms that everybody is expected to follow. These norms are like unwritten rules of how a person should behave to be accepted by others in their society. For as far back as you can trace the history, societies around the world. This is the way it has been. People have always been expected to follow these unwritten rules if they want to fit in and be a part of society. If they don't follow these social norms, they have been criticized and often treated as outcasts. This is how society is kept functioning. You might think that the legal written laws are what is more important, but these unwritten rules play a very dominant role in the world. Social norms are unspoken and unwritten rules that everyone is expected to follow. People have to behave in a certain way. In certain situations, it is not acceptable for them to behave randomly and deviate from this expected behavior, there is a proper way to behave in every social situation. These expectations might vary in different groups of people, but the basic idea of social norms is the same everywhere. When you look at the roles we all play in society. These expectations become a lot more apparent as a member of society. Every person plays a certain social role. Your behavior will change according to the social role that you adopt. You will have to fit the role by fulfilling the expectations that anyone in that role is expected to follow norms are the expectations that come with every social role. For instance, if you're a son, you are expected to obey and respect your parents to remain filial to them. If you're a student, you're expected to study, attend all your classes and do well in school. These are some examples of social norms in each role. If you skip your classes or don't finish your assignments, it goes against the expectation of what a good student should be doing. This would automatically attract criticism from teachers, parents and others around you. There is a certain standard set for what is acceptable for every social role, norms define the appropriate behavior in all social groups as you move from one group to another or even from one role to another. You are expected to change your behavior accordingly and follow social norms. These norms help to enforce order in society. If you think about it, society would be very different If such norms did not exist, they act as a guide for us to help direct our behavior. They allow predictability and provide some understanding of our relationships with others. This is why most people conform to such social norms. It is a lot easier and more comfortable to go along with what the majority is doing. However, the problem arises when someone decides to go against the norm. People find it difficult to understand someone who is not similar to them. There is a lot of pressure on everyone to conform to the expectations of society, conforming to the social norms and gaining approval from your social role is a lot easier than facing the hurdles of being different.