American English Sample Audiobook soon to be released.



This is an audiobook audition that became a contract and soon to be released on Audible

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Alright coach now you know what to look out for. So you don't get blindsided. There may be many things that make blending a family complicated or difficult, but there are also advantages to having a blended family as well. So keep the faith blending families can open up new opportunities for growth, provide fulfillment, create childhood friendships that last a lifetime and in many cases the parties just got a whole lot bigger developmentally. A new marriage can be a wonderful example for Children, just as Children living in homes with parents that continually argue is known to cause Children distress, seeing how a new stepdad positively navigates the family blending can instill confidence in Children about trusting adults and being in healthy relationships. If combining the families is associated with positive emotions, they'll be less anxious about change as adults and more open to different experiences when you think about it, The love you share with your partner becomes a hope that your Children may carry with them in their own future relationships. When you over communicate your financial situation, you may come to find that blending your families actually improves your financial situations. So while finances was mentioned as a disadvantage in the previous chapter, it is also possible for finances to improve as families blend, which is definitely an advantage. A single mother or father introducing a new spouse into the family can help provide financial stability. For instance,