English asian accent TV Commercial Portfolio

Television Ad


Here are some of my best English (asian accent) commercials

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Malay Singaporean


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for the last 30 years who have been close friends to each other, Korea and Asean have supported each other in many ways together. We dream better dreams, embrace more opportunities and live better lives. Every time I open the door in alum Sutra I open the door of hope. Hope for quality living with my family, hope for a nurturing environment for my Children to grow. I see the life in front of me yeah. Where my family can grow, who had left her, see how they grow in love, having a delicious time together. Just like my father taught me love and be loved for the rest of my life. Now I see that love grows on me. This is the investment. Yeah. An investment of life.