Animation Demo (English)



Animation demo with wide range a characters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The world is about to change when those bastards come for us, I'll have you back. Let's ride together and show the world that good can triumph over evil. You know, Terrence. Just when I think I have things figured out, life shows up and kicks me right in the ***. I mean like square in the ***. How the **** am I gonna get back on top? We here at the government research lab are doing wonderful things. Our latest project. Aliens. Oh no, there are no such things as aliens. 00, that can't be good. Forgive me father for I have sinned. It's been well, way too long since my last confession. Um was a cop. I had a great laugh and, and then the unspeakable happened. My wife was raped a rage. I had never felt came over me and I found the God and I killed him. Janet, you can't just blur it out to the kids that you're a lesbian. My God, that's the kind of thing that takes a minute to wrap your head around and speaking of heads just because you sold on a *****. I am not calling you Lloyd. We are here to praise the, oh my God. I get an amen. You out here in these streets being bad, bad. It, you better be bad about it with Jesus. Now they get into your pockets and fill this place. Let's show him with your dollars all the love you have.