Commercial Demo - quality w/control, energy, and a genuine read

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I'm a professional actor and improvisor for over 30 years and recently a lot of my work has been voice acting live, so I'm stepping into this wonderful world of Voice Acting. This is my professional demo showing my natural and deep range. It shows I'm clear, strong, enthusiastic and ready to go!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
own every mile in the Hyundai Tucson, the 2022 Tucson comes with complimentary maintenance and America's best warranty vehicles arriving daily. Only at your Las Vegas area. Hyundai dealer in a world that can't wait 24 hours for a package. There's a place that still waits 18 years for a whiskey. One place, one whiskey, glenlivet, whiskey. In an era of tabloid journalism, we believe the truth to be sensational enough. Understanding comes with time, Time magazine. Read it today. Make the most of your time beef actually lower in fat than you think all of a sudden $2000 grill seems perfectly reasonable beef. It's what's for dinner. I'm a T shirt and jeans guy. So I meet a girl now I need a tuxedo, then I get this call. It's Citibank. They just wanted to make sure someone else wasn't using my card. Imagine a T shirt and jeans guy finding happiness with a girl, a tuxedo and a bank all at the same time. If you hear this sound, it means you forgot to fasten your seatbelt. If you hear this sound, it means you're too late. Give safety a hand, Everyone buckle up