Safety Product B2B Promo

Profile photo for Jay Myers
Acheivement Badges Superstar
Video Narration


A description and walkthrough of a safety product.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When your job requires you to work around high voltage electricity, there's no margin for error. The personal protective equipment that you wear is only as effective as the integrity of the material. Even the smallest hole or scratching your rubber equipment can be catastrophic. It's critical to have frequent testing of all your gloves and sleeves, no matter the amount of use or age. And with so many other things on your plate, we understand how compliance can fall through the cracks. Our testing facility makes it easy to maintain est mom and safety compliance. We see us as your partner remaining compliant and saving lives has never been easier schedule your rubber testing today. Your safety is worth it. When your job requires you to work around high voltage electricity, there's no margin for error. The personal protective equipment that she wear is only as effective as the integrity of the material. Even the smallest hole or scratching your rubber equipment can be catastrophic. It's critical to have frequent testing of all your gloves and sleeves, no matter the amount of use or age with so many other things on your plate. We understand how compliance can fall through the cracks when our testing lab makes it easy to maintain STM and O. S. H. A. Safety compliance with See us as your partner remaining compliant and saving lives has never been easier schedule your rubber testing today. Your safety is worth it.