The Value of Animal Experimentation...(1911 public domain paper)

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This is an excerpt from a 1911 paper entitled \"The Value of Animal Experimentation As Illustrated by Recent Advances in the Study of Syphilis\"
by one John W Churchman M.D of Johns Hopkins University.

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Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


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tales from the public domain today. The value of animal experimentation as illustrated by recent advances in the study of syphilis. By John W. Churchman MD 1911 1 Introduction No one who is alive to the nature of physical pain or aware of the charm of the domestic animals could fail to sympathize with an inquiry into the warrant for animal experiments. It has always seemed odd. It's true that this critical demand should not only begin with, but often single out for its entire attention the one human activity involving animal sacrifice, which has for its aim the relief of human distress and that the good souls who become so concerned over one authorized dog can regard with indifference the packing industry with its wholesale slaughter to appease appetite. Or the fur industry with its reckless massacres to satisfy vanity or the fisheries consigning Myriads of helpless beings to slow death by drowning in the air. Nevertheless, those who are responsible for deliberate experiments on animals recognize the request for its grounds of justification as a perfectly reasonable one. If the discussion is one in which facts may be offered as evidence, it ought to be a simple matter to determine whether or not the achievements of the experimental method justify its continuance tales from the public demand.