Commercial Demo - Jerry Beharry

Television Ad


This is my commercial demo, which demonstrates range from Relatable, Confident, and Upbeat, to Edgy, Uran, and Sophisticated. Demo professionally produced by Chuck Duran.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Attract the life you want with the people you want in it. Smelling irresistible is a good way to start the new Axa at. We have deals on top of deals like buy a juicy burger and add six boneless wings for just a dollar more. Or sweeten the deal with honey garlic wings and fries for just 9 99. Get your flavor fixed only at Buffalo Wild Wings when it's right. Just let it happen. This is your maker's moment. Make it one to remember. Maker's mark. You deserve an all electric SUV with enough horsepower to take you all the way the new Jeep wagon s charge on. There are some major reasons to join T Mobile. Here's two, get the latest iphone and apple TV. Plus. So you won't miss a minute of awesome shows like Ted Lasso. And the best part is it's all on them T Mobile. It's a big world out there and you need to be in it. Break out of the ordinary and level up American Express. Don't live life without it.