Batman Needs a Cough Drop

Profile photo for Jonathan Civardi
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Batman is once again interrogating a criminal to get information to stop a crime. However his voice is getting strained from the constant deep voice and shouting in order to strike fear into the hearts of criminals. The criminal is kind enough to offer a cough drop to give the dark knight the soothing sensation he so desperately needs.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
All right, now tell me what the drugs are. I don't know to me were the drugs. I don't know, man. You better tell me right now. I swear to God, I will beat the living **** out of you. Uh, they do. What's wrong with you? Nothing. Oh, say, is it hard doing that voice? It is not. It is necessary in order to strike fear into the hearts of criminals. But it's kind of putting a lot of strain on your vocal cords, isn't it? It is not. It is a voice that strikes fear into criminals and streaks. Fear for justice. It's hard. Uh, just e Oh, man. Oh, man, this is hard. Okay? You're right. It is hard doing this voice. Do you need a lawsuit? Jin's or a cough drop or something? E got a cough drop on me. I don't need a cough. Drop Batman. Dasani. A cough drop. Uh, Okay. Well, maybe maybe wine culture. Uh, do you think you could go easy on the interrogation if I give you one? As you're fine. Whatever. Here. Life flavors, it's ah, cherry flavor. Oh, I love Jerry Flavored. It's delicious. Sure you don't want it. Yeah. Just come off her taste. Okay. All right. Oh! Oh, that is soothing. Oh, that's better. Oh, my, My vocal cords. Feel much. Thanks. A problem. Yeah. Where were we? You're interrogating me. Bring out whether drugs they're all right. Where are the drugs are? They're at the warehouse down the street. They'll be here at midnight. Good. Thank you for your cooperation. Uh, E Moore, those cough drops. No. Sorry, you don't. I don't have any more comp drops, man. He said he would go easy on May. Batman is not go easy on criminals. Yeah, we're done here. Tell him away. Alfred. Yes, Mr Bruce? Order me a ton of golf drops cherry flavor. Instead. Bring them to the bat mobile. Yes, Master Bruce. It's hard. You with this, huh? Uh huh. I need cough drops. We'll be