Boomhower and Schnitzel Conversation

Profile photo for Jonathan Civardi
Not Yet Rated
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Ever wondered how Boomhower from King of the Hill and Schnitzel from Chowder would interact with each other in a conversation one on one? Take a listen and find out!!!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
no bad. Well, like that Got gonna say, man, it's such a beautiful day, man. You're not this guy, man. So it's pretty lonely without without hanging the other man, Ron rotter. Oh, for the World Rock Monster band. Probably don't know the man that I don't got much money on me, man. Rhonda! Rhonda! Rhonda! Rhonda! Rhonda! All right, Who delivery Mander? I don't forgot about that. There. You got my pork sandwich, man. Rod Arata. Well, thank you, man. Uh oh, Wow. This is a no man. That's quite an interesting looking look itself man that pertain only looking for Well, the temperance movement, man, you're where you're from anywhere. Rod! Rana! Rod! Rod A Rod Arana. Oh, wow. That was pretty far Place placement, man. You must try a different man. Uh, here's a little extra. I know what? Not much, but a little extra for quite traveled man. Rhonda. Rhonda Rob. No problem. And you want to prove Kate real quick, man, right? Right. Rod. Ragnar, Ragnar, Ragnar. Robert! Robert! Robert. No, I respect that man. You know, we're gonna we're gonna man working on the job. Uh, maybe a quick brucie, uh, was when I was I got man group here. You're like Superman. Mm. Rata. Rod, Rod! Rod a Rod! Rod! Rod! Uh oh, man. That's a pretty in trouble, man. You must have fun. So, uh, man, what's your life like? Rock, Rock? Rock? Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, Rock, rock Don't man that that that that don't Don't question, man. Uh, you have any friends of yours? Go working on there? Yeah. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Run, Run, run, run, run, run, Run! Right, right, right, right, right, right, right. Rhonda, Rhonda, Rhonda. Rhonda. Rhonda. Rhonda Rhonda. I don't mind. They sound like pretty hated people, man. A little boy always eats everything, uh, over a barrel, boss and and his wife overbearing everything and yelling. No, man, that that that that's a pretty home headache, man. Ronald Wild. Well, no, man. You got I gotta respect somebody who works hard, man. And they will They will handle all that, man, that don't take me, man. Right up north, man. You know, most people would just give a no man that that shows good could come from a man. You got a good head on his commanding. Uh, if you have a medical, don't know, man. You know, I don't exactly talk to make the block monster, man, but I'll bet you wanna burnt, Man. Radha Moderate Arata. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. Roger. No, man. I couldn't get Facebook. Oh, Well, what man does you've got colored on March. But I should have expected that, man, since you were down across America. Ronald, Ronald! Ronald! Ronald! Ronald Ross. Well, we're not talking to you, man. What? Night, man? Ron! Ron! Ronald! Ronald! Ronald! Oh, yeah. Oh, don't mind name for rock Mosser? Uh, the name Boom hammer. Uh, tomorrow. Right, Rana?