Jeff LIllicotch - Internet Video - Inspirational, Understated

Video Narration


Small business focused target video.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you are a small business owner, you don't listen to the naysayers you'd rather build your own dream can be hard to build someone else's for you. There's no such thing as 9 to 5 despite your size today, your ambitions for tomorrow aren't limited by geography, cultures or time zones, but success rarely comes easy. Payroll, cash flow, revenue expenses, exchange fees. They're all things that can slowly crushed dreams. You turn for help, but unfortunately your small. In a financial system that caters the big you're David in a CIA Goliaths, banks and large financial institutions are far more motivated by their size and profits. In your vision and passion, you are not their priority. At Wien, we believe in small. We believe in you as the leading global payments network for small businesses. Veum is more than a provider. Were your partner